
Oh they do huh? How much you wanna bet they would have never considered this had Tesla not already made it happen...

See, what they aughter’ do is stick a very long hose filled with plastic goo up there and have a great big printer that keeps on making space station parts. Lots and lots of em until the space station is huge. Then we can all go up there.

Pretty much the only people who live in Phoenix are former Midwesterners who traded one kind of hell for another.

Is that pre, during, or post dieselgate? This is still a relatively recent event and VW is still reeling from it. On top of that brand loyalty only goes so far and the PR damage that is potential from this is yet to be seen. Many a large company have failed under lesser issues.

They’re just gonna’ drag this thing out for as loooooong as possible, right? Long enough for people to forget that they more or less screwed over 100's of thousands of consumers and intentionally bypassed national regulations.

Is it? Sorry but to me this thing looks like a Porsche equivelant of an El Camino. Porsche really only has their design philosophy to blame here since they have insisted for decades to hug closely to more or less the same basic car design ( aka- the Jellybean ) and so any and all other designs they could have come up

My grandmother has a ‘97 Lesabre with over 200,000 miles. Say what you will about the things but personally to me they’re actually rather comfortable cars for long road trips. We would take it down to Florida, an 8 hour trip for us, and it simply floated all the way down there while we sat on the overstuffed seats.

They *( did) make shit cars. These days? They make pretty decent stuff . Signed, lifelong Toyota guy.

My grandmother still has her 96' and its got over 200,000 miles on the clock so far. Its actually a pretty decent car.

Shut up dude. I didn’t say anything about diesel. Enjoy driving that jellybean.

Apparently that’s also where Madagascar Hissing cockroaches come from.

Because they need to ensure that the car will be very VW-like and have hordes of electrical issues once the warranty runs out. If they let someone else make them their cars might actually be reliable and that would ruin the brand’s reputation.

Wow. I love crap like that. Amazing that most of them are still operating

That’s.... kind of scary. Not sure what such a press would do... shape 2 foot thick steel beems?

I really, really really hope that people continue to think that because while most previous Corvettes made during the last 30 years were definitely “those” cars, I hope the same atttiude will exist for the current one because I’d love to get one of those used, real nice n cheap...

To be fair, they should put the 500 ton press into a 50,000 ton press. That’ll teach em’.

So would you basically just lose control if you were to try and take it in a straight line? I mean I know this sounds like a stupid comparison but I used to race riding mowers. As in there was a lawn mower hood and that was the... “mower” while the rest was heavily modified. One day a guy shows up with a 500CC bored

I see stuff like this and immediatly imagine how bad the shit ton of rubber smoke must smell and secondly, ya know, if you’re going to stick a big ass engine in a little car, I’d at least like to see the thing go fast. Not just sitting there stationary twirling around.

Another idea is to simply but another brand... you know, like a Honda Oddesey, Toyota Sienna, or even a Chrysler Pacifica. Those are all minivans and they won’t fall apart in 5 years either, a bonus!

Porsche makes cars, yes, but they don’t make any electric cars. And lastly, did you get the irony in your last sentence? That it was silly for tesla to make an EV “so early”? Don’t you find that a tad ironic? Porsche would have kept right on making the same cars they’ve always made and been happy to do so. They