
I was a lifelong Toyota and Honda owner until 2.5 years ago. We bought a gently used Chevy Volt, the first domestic car I’ve ever owned. Granted maybe this isn’t a fair comparison because the Volt is a special snowflake car but the quality has been impressive. 75,000 miles so far and its still just as tight as it was

Let me help you feel better. I owned an 88' Celica. Sure. It looked nice. It was reliable. But holy shit was that thing slow. How slow? Well let me just say that after I traded it in wayyyyy back in 1996 for my small 2Wd 2.2 liter manual transmission Tacoma ( still own ) compared to the Celica the Tacoma was totally

Yeah but the fact that you could probably eat off the floor at the Tokyo station is key. I live in the SF Bay Area and the trains and train stations are simply nasty. I absolutely avoid those areas if at all possible as a result.

I'm looking at this way more broadly than you. At this point Hillary could be a rock. I'd vote for a rock over trump. If he is elected he will ruin our country. I don't give one flying fuck about whatever other stuff might be tied to Clinton but she is the nominee and so you have two choices.

So then are you ok with having trump for your next president? I ask because if you guys decide not to vote for Hillary then that very may be what you get in return.

Let’s cut be crap. It is now mathmaticaly impossible for Bernie to win the nomination. So it’s now trump. Or Hillary.Seems like a real fucking easy choice . Either vote for a facist or a boring democrat.

These cars are surprisingly quick. That and they will run forever. My mom had one that she passed down to my brother. He thrashed that car yet it had over 320,000 miles when he sold it.

Oh yeah. I forgot!

So I’m guessing robots will take over and write future truck drivin’ songs then...

Uh... nope, nope nope and.... nope.

I own a 96' small taco I bought new off the lot. Its the most stripped down model with no power anything. But back then I was young and poor. Anyway fast forward to 2016 and 260,000 miles later it is just now starting to look a bit long in the tooth with some faded areas of paint and a few dings and scratches. Great

Me and judge Judy are friends and she wanted me to tell you that “ you are uh lieyah!”

Your disputed claim has been rejected. The end. Times infinite.

BMW probably has some large playdough machine they use to mass-produce all of their models. The only difference is that at the end someone at the end of the line attaches various badges that say stuff like “238i”, 567XYZ, and whatever.

Nope. I created this contest and therefor I set the rules. Failure to comply results in a nullified result for the opposing contestent.

Tell you what. Please go make a video and show us that you can actually do this in less time that it took me to write the above statement. If you can’t.... then bug off.

Maybe.... maybe not. Its mentioned that the original oil is still in the crank case. I’ve worked on enough lawn mower engines that sat around for maybe 5-6 years to see how nasty old oil can get. In some cases it turns into tar and more than once I’ve had to take the entire engine apart and soak the parts in a parts

I’ve never found these cars to be attractive and even now they’re still rather common.

I’m going to take a wild guess that if any other VW employee such as factory workers, salespeople and so on lose their jobs as a result of this that they won’t be getting golden parachutes. Surprise Surprise...

Oh gawd me too. For some very immature reason I’d love to have a “ Grown Adults on Board” sticker as a sort of response.