
They’re going like 10 MPH. this is the dumbest thing ever!

Me and a few other people were invited to GM a number of years back to check out the then-prototype Volt. He and a few other people spoke with us and I only got to briefly speak with him, so its not like I knew him personally. But I was pretty impressed with his outright calm demeanor. I think what I remember most was

I had the pleasure of meeting Mr Welburn a number of years back. He was one of the most chilled, laid-back, and clearly very talented guys I’ve met. Amazing too given that he rose through the ranks almost from the ground-up. Ed, if you’re reading this- congratulations. A retirement well deserved.

Did you know that the turbo variation of that engine was later stuck into the Mini? I know because a friend of mine had one of these a number of years back. I think they only did it for a short time though.

Is there? Yes. The cars are crap and tend to start falling apart in and around the 60k mark.

Oh.. I haven’t forgotten how small they were... We had an 86' 4Runner, which back then was basically this truck with a fancy camper shell. Now- none in my family are exactly tall. I’m 5ft 7, dad is 5 ft 8, mom is 5 ft, and back then my brother was a little kid. We all dreaded taking that thing on long trips. Zero leg

In with you 100%. I grew up with this era of truck. My dad owned one of these and then a 4Runner. So the nostalgia value is strong. But the price? Yeahhhh. A bit. Too. High. I mean it's not far off. $10k? Probably. 13k? That just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

I think you are dead-right actually. People just love to joke about the PT cruiser. But anyone who was around when they came out can easily recall how much excitement the things created. They sold extremely well. Then They were NEVER redesigned and just mouldered away. They could have easily just kept on gradually

Why? Because these are what rich people who would be well served by a Jeep Wrangler but turn their snotty noses at such proletariat Vehicles and thus look for something of a European equivelant because you know... A wrangler would certainly never do being parked next to the ole’ family 7 series...

I guess a good question for anyone is: Would you rather have the Volvo of old, back when they were still making boxes-on-wheels or the Volvo of today, which is yet another luxo-brand for the burbs? I feel like that what they have become is pretty generic.

That was scary, those guys are lucky they didn’t get hit. Years ago a friend of my Uncle got his truck stuck in a field. His buddy came by with his truck, attached a rope and took off. This promptly ripped the bumper off of the stuck truck and sent it crashing through the pulling truck’s rear window.

Probably true. True since his supporters sound like roosters.

Let me just say this though. A friend of mine bought a brand-new cross country a few months ago. Being the curious car guy I am I lifted the hood. The first thing I saw was a engine support with a “FoMoCo” stamp, meaning its a Ford part.

I just find it ironic that Trump is running on behalf of the GOP, a party that thinks that we shouldn’t have any government nor should government ever intervene in business ( Except for huge military hardware contracts ) and yet here he is, proclaiming he’d happily stick his fingers into a major automaker’s business.

I dunno.... To me Volvo has become more or less the equivelent of some luxury handbag company. Its got the name and the polished up image and brand. Not bad cars but definitely more of a brand now than what they were back when they were actuall “Volvo” and not a company that has traded hands and been riding around on

This is a more complicated question. Whether a company makes cars or shoes all companies “should” be good companies in more ways than one.

Oh yeah? Well you look like the bucket of shit droid! ( god I love that movie)

No, that’s only if you pee on the electric fence droid.

Its the urine droid. Whenever one of the guys in the X wing fighters needs to pee, urine droid to the rescue.

Both of them were acting stupid. End of Story.