
I’ve seen a few in person. Whole nuther’ ball of wax. The cars are fairly ugly on the road. To me what they look like is if some giant were to came down and pinched the front and back. Its like they took the old Prius and stuck it in a vice and this is what you get, with the lights squeezed upwards.

You are probably correct. I am guessing Toyota felt they needed to find another niche to corner the market with. The reality is that they should have continued focussing on the Prius. Despite the Prius now being now somewhat less advanced than the Volt and other more recent models people still buy the crap out of the

Well, we had an 02' Prius before the Volt and the brakes on the Volt seemed about 50% better than the Prius. I could see how the old Volt would have been a problem with a family with four kids but apparently the new one has remedied that issue with a bigger set of back seats since the battery now doesn’t occupy the

I’m not sure why they are hanging their hat on hyrogen. The infrastructure simply is not there. For comparison natural gas stations are somewhat common and yet there is only a few natural gas consumer cars, like the civic NGV. Those barely sell. That and from a scientific perspective hydrogen isn’t even an energy

I own the first gen Volt. I thought about the same thing. But in reality no matter how careful I am, I still wind up using gas. For example I will go to work all week long. My commute is 38 miles each way and there is a charge station I use there. I make it there and back all week with no gas. But then for example- if

Actually no need for them to release anything: the original Volt goes 50% further on the battery than this new Prius while the New Volt goes nearly 3X’s as far.

Why is Toyota now being so conservative when it comes to their EV powertrains? My 5 year old Volt has an EV range of 40 miles. That’s almost 50% more than this “ new” prius. The new Volt will do a good 55 miles, this now almost 3X’s that of this Prius.

If you’ve never driven a Tesla I’d suggest you do it because then you might see that the experience is unlike anything. I’m not sure what was disappointing about the interior. Personally I felt it was rather well-done. I’d bet $100 that if you asked the average Joe if they’d rather own a BMW or a Tesla most would

Its more that BMW and Mercedes sort of bragg about how perfect they are and everyone gushes about their quality. But then OTOH practically 50% of the people I’ve known who own these cars have serious issues with them. Tesla as far as I’m concerned is on a totally different level than BMW. To date BMW has yet to come

Yeah but the difference is that those 7 series will probably start having major problem within 5-6 years, meaning all those neat pieces that fit so nicely together will start to fall apart.

This isn’t competition for Tesla and hopefully this car wasn’t something BMW intended to be a competitor for Tesla. That said why did BMW even bother? This thing sounds like a hot mess of a design.

Well... At least here in the Bay Area the favorite minivan of choice seems to be Honda Odysseys. They are about as plain and boring as they come. Just a big wedge on wheels. Yet 9 times out of ten that’s the minivan I see around here. So as plain as the Pacifica might be, its probably a safer bet.

If anything you should be grateful that I’ve indulged in your minuscule observations- or if you want to say “corrections”.

Then you should not have bothered responding to my post seeing as how you missed the point of my post’s content. But if at the end of the day you seek contedness for “correcting” me then go for it. Merry Christmas.

Not really sure having “real” wood trim changes the premise of my post. Its a generic looking car that more or less copies a number of other luxury brands.

... it looks like a Jeep Grand Cherokee...

LOL!!! That was great.

My Tacoma is now 20 years old with 260,000 miles and thus worthless. But the way I figure is that even if for example- the engine needed an overhaul or the transmission bit the dust it would still be cheaper to replace those versus buy even a used truck.

18 month waiting list? Why doesn’t Ford simply setup another plant to make them? I’ve heard its the same in the EU and elsewhere.
