
A lot of “disgusting” things are good actually. There was a truck that used to pull up at a flea market I go to. One of the Burritos was made out of cow tongue. Boy was that good! Anyone who had some and weren’t told what it was would probably agree.

Totally agree. The Celica would’ve made 200% more sense

Time to bring out the Horn Pipes!

Actually I bet that’s super delicious!

A friend of mine had an Echo and I had the misfortune of riding in it. The closest thing I can relate to it would be the original generation Chevy Aveos. My wife and I rented one of those on a trip and it was like the gas pedal was there for looks. Zero acceleration.

Nope. this is better:

They could’ve done a lot more with Scion. I think what could’ve happened is that they could have experimented more and taken more chances. For example a lot of us have been begging forever for someone- anyone- to make a small truck akin to what existed in the 80's. I’m sure that Toyota could’ve re-badged any number of

You still wanna’ argue? Fine. I can argue as long as you want to. I said show me a Tahoe that gets 30 MPG. My truck, a 96' Taco gets 30 MPG. Your Suburban example gets 23. Big difference, that is unless you don’t comprehend math.

They are stupid. That was my point and I made my list of reasons. So if that was the point you were alluding to and you think I helped make your point then I suppose we agree, which is odd seeing as how you claim you too drive one of these trucks.

You guys are acting as if losing scion is some awful, terrible , cataclysmic thing. In reality nothing offered from that brand was exactly great. Remember the Toyota Echo? Yeah- nobody else does either, but that’s basically what most of the first scions were based off of. I drove a scion 5 years ago and it was akin to

It’s because the full sized trucks sold today are stupid. They’ve gotten so big that the damned bumpers on some are up past my chest. My grandad had a 87 f 150 and it would be considered a compact truck today. They're simply too large to be practical these days.

Show me a Tahoe that gets 30 mph and maybe you'd have a point. That and good luck with that Tahoe until it falls apart

You’re really trying aren’t you? The truck is a 20 year old, totally bone stock small Tacoma I bought back in high school and its been paid off for 17 years. The other is a 5 year old Volt I bought used. Want to know what I did with my dough versus spending it on toys and crap? I bought a house on the California coast.

A: I Kayak and have a small tacoma.

So basically you don’t drive much. Fine. I drive 100 miles a day. I make a fairly good income but if I were to drive a full size truck getting 18 MPG, I’d be paying $250 a month on gas on today’s low prices. A year ago, $500 and in 2009... more like $700. Put two and two together and blowing that kind of dough on gas

I dunno... I grew up in the South and I knew so many people who went out and bought literally a yard full of toys and the big trucks to haul them and in so many cases these folks barely lived paycheck to paycheck. They only managed to get this stuff because at least back then credit was easy to get and if you had a

Agreed. That’s why a lot of those folks wound up going bankrupt in the not-so-distant past with the last recession.

Some of us also make well into the 6 figures and still find paying tons of money for gas on a huge vehicle to be stupid.

We Americans are dumb asses. We seem to have very short-term memories. It's like the 1990s all over again with cheap gas, and big ass SUVs! Hooray!

Yeah but in the U.S. There are very few French cars period. Yeah, it’d take a lot of work, but 900 bucks for an obscure, interesting car in the U.S. Ain’t bad.