
I’d love to know what golf course lets you drive your car onto the green.

Where arguments such as yours fall flat is in leaving out not only the other half of the equation but also leaving out the base root cause. As you correctly and accurately pointed out the South’s primary source of income was agriculture. I agree. Most of that output came from what were then gigantic farms owned by

I grew up with this same attitude so as you might gather I am sick and tired of these kinds of comments. My Grandfather was an avid history buff and I inherited many of his books concerning the Civil War.

Stop trolling.

Jesus Christ. OK, so let’s use your own argument:

Your response above shows why you probably should not have participated in this thread: you don’t know your history.

I do and I will. Northing more to say here.

You lost this argument the first 5 words in your initial reply. And if you think you are original then I’ve got news for you. I grew up having to listen to a literal mountain of horse shit from people who for whatever lame reason would bend over backwards defending the confederate flag at all costs though historical

Ok, can I come and put a British flag along with memorials for French Revolutionaries on your state’s capital grounds? Either way I grew up with a shit ton of clowns who were eager and willing to defend the Confederacy, and hardly any of them even had relatives who took part in it. I’ve found that its a waste of time

.... that is not what this story pertained to. This is... in fact about removing them from city halls, government buildings, etc.... So I assume we agree.

Well I just fucking did. So get over it.

You didn’t read my response. If you did perhaps you would agree. Did you NOT see that this is in referrel to government buildings?!

And clearly you lack the historical understanding of the war helps to show us the line you seem to reside on.

Dude, get real for a micro-second. Do you have one clue what that war was over? If so then you would’nt be responding with intentionally clueless answers.

I do. Signed, Native Southerner with relatives who actually fought in that war.

I had relatives who fought on the side of the Confederacy. Two of them are buried in a cemetary not far from the family farm. There are no shortages of museums and memorial battlefields where anyone- including native Southerners whom actually had relatives who fought in that war- to pay their respects to- and have. We

You missed the point by 1,000%. But let’s put this into context. How would you feel if the most personally offensive thing you could think of was proudly displayed at one of your tax-paid-for government buildings?

The header pic looks like the car is eating your arm.

Will diesel go away? No. Especially when it comes to commercial uses such as for trains, shipping, and trucking. When it comes to consumer cars its not going away either.

This guy is full of shit. The end.