
Agree and yes- the first time I cleaned the throttle body I noticed the oily/dirty residue.

I installed one of those K and N filters on my truck 10 years ago. While it did let in more air it also let in more dirt. The result was that the throttle body would simply get filthy every 10,000 miles. I went back to the boring ole’ paper filter after that.

I will make sure to not buy one of those as I want to actually see the oil level myself versus believing some computer.

The pic shows one of several reasons I will never own a VW product: The orange plastic dipstick. Now- on pretty much all other cars there is a simple stamped steel tube with a slim steel rod that checks the oil. Simple. Easy. Nuttin’ to fuck up... right? Not if you’re VW. Nope, on theirs the diptick is stuck inside an

Easy. and I might be the only one here to have worked on one but we owned a 2002 Prius ( boo away! ) but anyway, pretty reliable car but holy shit was it a nightmare to work on. For example I needed to replace the PCV valve which on my tacoma is a 2 minute job. On the Prius I had to remove the entire fucking

This is sort of hilarious. As a kid I thought that’s how all rockets landed anyway since that’s what they showed in cartoons.

I was born in the mid 70’s and remember the 80’s well. What I remember was that while U.S. Automakers would sometimes come out with interesting to even cool designs ( like the fiero you mentioned) they still bean counted the things to death. The results were often cool Looking cars with crappy interiors and bottom of

To me that period was at the very end of an era where American cars were either shitty or boring. It’s easy to forget that prior to that at all three automakers the name of the game was to produce cars with what looked and felt like Rubbermaid plastic bodies and interiors.

I will agree with you. I’d say that if you are a younger person then taking bigger risks are perfectly fine and if you are lucky you can do well.

Worked for my MIL. All she and her husband did was to invest in boring mutual funds which were diversified and they were able to retire by the age of 60 and live fairly comfortably.

The Tallboy bombs were insane. They used these against the Tirptiz, the sister battleship of the Bismark. The hull of the ship had 13” thick steel armor and 5” thick steel up top. Previous attacks from the British simply resulted in bombs bouncing off the top and sides. When they used Tallboys they simply went

Up until I bought a used volt 2 years ago all I ever drove were worn out pieces of crap cars. One week I had to go down to southern Cali for a conference and rented a Chevy Cruz. I was impressed at how nice the car was and all the features it came with. Given at the time the car I had was a old POS it took little to

Looks like they went nuts with the armourall, especially under the hood.

Short or long term. Same difference. Want to know what actually does well? Boring stuff. Like companies that make toilet paper, tooth paste and peanut butter. Things that aren't exactly sexy but are often everyday staples. Not so with automakers facing untold billions in fines and who knows what else.

Investing heavily in one company is typically unwise.

I took no offense at all. Truthfully GM did a rotten job advertising the first volt and not many people understood it. I think that's why they are spending so much on advertising the new one.

Important to note that your numbers are fur the first gem volt. The new volt gets 42-43 mpg once the battery depletes. The new battery also goes 53 miles. Many new owners on the volt forum are actually getting 60+ miles.

We owned a Prius before the volt actually. In fact we were early adopters and had one of the first years available in the U.S., a 2001.

I’ll repeat what I said to another guy.

The plugin Prius costs around 30k. The First Gen Volt was 33k. So a far cry from the difference you claimed. Second of all, you are missing the entire point of the Volt and I’ll use myself as an example.