
His trick was to “go country”... Meaning pop country.... Meaning music for people who don't know shit about what good music is. And hence he's still here.

Cars are pretty internationally sourced and built these days anyway. Look under the hood of most any car and it’s probably a mix of Canadian/German/American/ Japanese/Korean/Italian. Perfect example: my 2011 Chevy volt was engineered in the U.S. And Is About 45% U.S. Sourced parts with the rest coming from Japan,

I for one find their “ Power of German Engineering” tagline obnoxious. Mainly since VWs tend to fall apart after the first 50,000 miles. So I guess they can cover it up with some generic nationalized statement. I can’t imagine the reaction in Germany if Ford started selling cars that said the same thing but was about

.... This is on a whole different level. GM received around 33 Billion in assistance. The projected costs to VW prior to this announcement was mentioned as having a potential of 87 Billion. The story isn’t even over yet and so the financial impact is still growing.

Not if the company goes bankrupt. As the cars are notoriously unreliable you’ll need access to service and parts in the future and if VW goes under... oh well! parts just got a lot more more expensive.

A good first step would be in creating designs that don't look like carbon copies of other brands.

OH boy! Well I will be eager to see that. I'm sure they were very flattering.

Land Rover must love you for all the nice PR you’re given’ em’.

Holy crap! That thing is HUGE!

Yes, I concur. But as graphic designer by trade my gut is always to try and make something new and exciting. I don’t feel there is a shortage of automotive re-designers out there ranging from replica Shelby Cobras, Mustangs, and even early Porsche clones. But given the choice I’d much rather see an original design

Whenever I see stories like these where a shop spends 1000’s of hours basically fabricating a copy or very heavily modify another manufacture’s car... I can’t help but wish they simply made their own original car design instead. If I had the skills, facilities, money and equipment that’s exactly what I’d do. Why

Don’t get all riled up simply because I showed you up. You need to look up what the term “accomplishment” means. Most people would call becoming Secretary of State, which is the highest position within the U.S. Government beyond that of being the president an accomplishment. Hillary had an incredibly high approval

She was not only a senator of New York but Secretary of State. So now that I’ve listed not one but two major positions she’s held, perhaps it's time for you to list at least one position of any of the GOP canidates that comes remotely close to that of being Secretary of State. Silly conservatives never learn...

Yeah... I mean back in the “good ole’ days” everyone just burned their garbage in the back yard, cars ran on lead gasoline and lacked catalytic converters and we all smoked cigarettes. And then annoying regulations, warning and rules came out. Curses!

Most people are clueless and unaware that Audi, Porsche and VW are from the same company. Many people also still think VW actually makes good cars.

You're fired!

I would suggest to stop getting whatever ill informed opinions you seem to have gotten from various right winger media outlets

She did just a fine job as Secretary of State. Yes- we all know that republicans are scared shitless of her but that’s ok- they’ll get used to her.

Yes. Especially compared to all the dumbasses on the GOP side.

I still can’t believe there are even a remote few people who somehow think this guy has any business being President.