
The “Talent” has been here for a very, very long time.HP, IBM, Oracle, Ampex, Apple, and countless others have been here for decades.


I seriously don’t blame the guy. At this point there are people around here in the Bay Area paying 2 and 3 times or more to rent a 1 bedroom apartment over what we pay for for our mortgage on an east bay house we bought 4 years ago. If I had just moved here I’d possibly consider the same thing.

They aren’t doing anything different from what BMW, Mercedes, and other luxury brands do: Sell people on the gadgets.

Personally... as a cheap skate this could be a good thing. I’d love to have a Model S myself but the damned things are a fortune. Let’s say in a few more years maybe... just maybe used ones will be a steal.

I have to agree with you. My 55’ Mercury has a transplanted 302 stuck under the hood and parts are as easy as going to any number of chain parts stores. I like being able to drive it with no real concerns in regards to keeping it going.

Guys... I was referring to the pic at the of the story. Seems like a weird choice for the topic to me

Step 1: Don’t buy cars from junks yards.

The new Civic looks great IMHO. But I think Honda is making a mistake. Now that its bigger and uses similar design cues from the Accord it might actually compete with the Accord.

Uh... What do you mean “unlike" GM? GM owns a large bevy of brands. They are now doing quite well. And unlike VW didn't intentionally engineer faults in their cars.

If they go bankrupt that's perfectly fine by me.

Screw these guys. Their brand is obnoxious and so is their attitude. I'll never even consider buying one of their products.

There were no details in the “plan” for having VW “Bounce back”.

My Mother In Law owns a VW TDI. I own a 2011 Volt I got last year. The Volt is hands-down way more fun to drive. The primary reason diesels are fun is due to their more immediate torque. EVs have literally 100% torque on call all the time. So imagine something that takes that experience of diesel to a whole nuther’

Holy shit. Now, that’s more like it. To me this is a very, very obvious NP all day long

I usually do not comment on these, however like what the fuck? maybe it’s because I’m pushing 40, but to me this era represents perhaps the worst era for GM and American cars in general. There is absolutely no benefit or even anything remotely charming about this car. It’s basically like many others from that era and

We get it. Its a unicorn car in the US and who knows what other interesting schenarios will unfold? Take it to the grocery store. Take it to the car wash. Take it to the zoo. I bet people will wonder- oh golly, that’s different. Then report back to us. There are 3 stories right there! You’re welcome.

Well, clearly VW bosses don’t wath Scoobie Doo so they were unaware of that outcome. Too bad!

Looks purty smart until it winds up costing potentially billions of dollars in financial fallout as a result.

After I eata few burritos I power my car with my own farts.