
I live in the Bay Area where VW TDis are pretty popular.

Jesus. That’s awful! Makes my absolutely awful commute- where it takes me sometimes 2.5 hours just to drive 38 miles- look like paradise.

The worst thing that happened to my favorite car ( 55’ Mercury as the handle suggests) was that a long time ago- back when I was poor- the original radiator developed a leak. I went to the junk yard and found a radiator out of a plymouth that fit perfectly. Perfect. I was supposed to pick someone up at the airport so

Love the way it looks, seems like the build quality is excellent... but to me it misses the “sweet spot” so many people like me want:

Amazing how modern this still looks.

I will go ahead and concede that this will be the stupidest thing I will see today.

Nope. It’s just that you thought you were on the my little pony site and have accidentally come across an automotive site. And we here in murica don’t say “mate” we say buddy-ole pal

My Grandmother too has some Nazi stuff my Grandfather brought back from the war along with a music box, some snuff boxes and other stuff he got from who knows what. It will stay in the family. Its part of our history.


I would’ve been fairly depressed as a car designer if I had to work on this. It looks exactly like a Nissan Cube. What fun is it to basically “design” something that’s already been.... designed?

Oh yeah? Well.... let’s change it up even more and have the Tesla race a speed boat. Bet the boat would win!

Guess you didn’t watch the whole video then.... I suggest waiting until the 2nd car races the Tesla... which certainly has been heavily modified.

Well, hopefully your dog spray works better than the spray I use for my cats. The stuff I use I thinkj makes them enjoy scratching furniture more!

It was and shall remain utterly valid. You are bitter since my response was so correct.

Oh yeah? I’m pretty sure its actually a pace car.

I just farted.

Know what’s also turrible? Getting the runs after eating lots of pizza and washing it down with a couple quarts of beer.

Oh. Ok, so the next time someone says “ You seem like XXX kind of person” I’ll take that as someone just blowing farts out their rears.

You know what would be reaaalllly clever? Go out and find some sort of shmarmy movie clip as a response.

You should stop yelling at clouds then...