
Hell yeah. Anyone that has either leaned over or laid under a car all day knows that the next morning your back feels like shit. Not so with a lift!

Makes me glad I own a 2WD 4 banger Tacoma. It took me 2 hours and a lift to do the clutch on it. Just run a strap across the frame, unbolt the rera of the tranny, rest it on the straps and replace. Here’s a weird thing I did notice when I did it though: The bolts that held the friction plate one was rated for 5 pounds

The only reason Germany’s economy turned around was because almost immediately from Hitler’s takeover the economy was turned into a war economy. It was planned well in advance by Hitler that the long-term goal of Germany was to expand Germany’s land mass via conquering other European countries. To do so he needed such

I am not exactly a fan of supercars. But I do like this one. There’s something raw and very machine-like about it. Like its getting back to basics. Very cool car. IMHO

So that’s not as bad as I thought. While our cars are totally different animals the maintenance on mine has been next to nothing also, basically because the engine in it only gets maybe 1,500 miles a year worth of usage. So oil changes are once every 2 years. Other then that the battery coolant, transaxle lubricant,

They were ALL slow. I owned an 88’ Celica 5 speed, supposedly the “sporty” package. The 96’ Tacoma 2Wd 4 banger small truck I replaced it with would beat that thing like it was standing still. It was a good looking but slow-ass car.

Seeing articles like these makes me sad. I seriously spend 3 fucking hours in my car every day just to go 37 miles. While the governor ( Jerry Brown ) has been talking about high speed trains for years its going to cost an insane amount of money and if it actually gets built I’ll be retired anyway. But if we had

Let me take a wild guess: The majority of those car sales were big-ass trucks and SUVs. Because we Americans love doing the same thing over and over again until the next recession hits...

Holy shit. Even with the rust I’d buy that if not for the fact I have 3 cars already.

Thanks Stacey,

I paid 12k for my 96’ Tacoma new, off the show room floor. Other then that I paid 19k for a used Volt. That’s the total number of cars I’ve ever bought. So I guess 19k it is.

Drove a Tesla Model S one day. A friend of mine has a wealthy friend who owns one. Afterwards it made all cars I’d driven before more or less seem “obsolete”

It looks almost exactly like the VW retro van that’s been around for the past 20 years...

I made what I’d consider a major shift in brands 2 years ago. I’ve owned basically nothing but Toyotas for 20+ years ( except my 55 Mercury which sort of is its own thing ) but anyway I shifted to GM when I bought a used Volt 2 years ago. Had I talked to myself 5 years prior there would have been no way in hell I

Very interesting and yes, that would take me some time to get used to.

Well, the Volt isn’t as “Electric” as the Tesla, has a smaller battery pack, smaller electric motors and so on due to it being both a gas and battery powered car. You can definitely feel it slow down when you let off the “gas” but it can coast for a surprisingly long time, which is good as during all that time its

Oh ok. I see. So its not like if I were in 20 MPH traffic ( happens a lot around here) and just let the car coast as I tend to do would trigger the lights? It would I assume be more like I am going somewhat fast and suddenly let off the pedal...

I just found one issue. In the video it was mentioned that the car automatically turns on the brake lights whenever you let off the accelerator. That to me could become a problem. Why? As owner of a Volt, I can tell you that many of us who own either plugin or full EVs that it is super common for most of us to

Made me sad to see. I remember my first car, which was a 85’ Toyota Celica for $2,000. My Dad made a $500 down payment and I paid for the rest. Best thing he could’ve done. I took better care of that care than anything I had ever owned: It had a price and I was responsible for it.

7 years ago I sold my wife’s 91’ Honda Civic hatch. The car was in good shape when we bought it and as I am one of those OCD types I had regularly cleaned, waxed and vacummed the car. I had also cleaned the engine. When we sold it I decided to really give it a good once over. Cleaned, waxed etc. I even waxed some of