
No. It's a plain Jane Jetta wagon. The issue with these cars is not where they are assembled. The issue is their design and engineering

If you told me this was a 2013 model I wouldn't bat an eye.

At least from my viewpoint here in California, I would strongly disagree. Most of the people I see driving around with Volkswagen diesels are kissing cousins to the same types of consumers who buy a Prius is. So they do in fact very much care about fuel economy and clean in emissions.

The differentiator here which is key is that Volkswagen intentionally deliberately and knowingly created this device to bypass emission equipment. So we’re talking about a completely different scenario .

My mother-in-law’s Jetta was made in Germany, and it too has also been a piece of junk. Who knew?

feeling the same way. Mainly because my mother-in-law’s 2003 Jetta has also been a big piece of crap. In fact, when we were visiting her one of the rear brake calipers Seized up and we had to stop every few minutes so the brake rotor wouldn’t over heat.The car gets 50 miles a gallon and has excellent torque, but man

Their cars have been unreliable for decades yet have had eager buyers for them. So yeah, I too don’t see this putting them under because if making shoddy products didn’t hurt the company than this event won’t either

Who knows where this will end. I just heard on the radio that now South Korea and france are also going to investigate this very same thing.


If you think the Yaris looks better then I can't take you at all seriously.

More like 167 mpg on mine so far.... Phsaw....

... and in turn we Volt owners can gloat over the Prius owners. 60 MPG? Pshaw...

Whatver you say man....

I love the Toyota Diesel.... but good god has the price for ANY old Toyota like these gone into insane territory with pricing.

You knew what I meant. A Windows machine. And come back when you’ve had over 20+ years of professional experience working on both platforms...

No, I meant what I said from almost 20 years of experience. As a graphic designer by trade the programs I use are very, very heavy on RAM and processing power. For a few years Windows XP was a very good OS and platform for what I did. Ever since then the experience has been pretty awful. The performance, stability and

2015. I used PCs just as much as Macs up until 2 years ago. Sorry but Mac is a much nicer everyday working computer.

I'd hate to see the laundry list for a PC version.... You'd have to pull over every 5 minutes to turn off another pop up.

Somehow I think VW could possibly be ok in the end. Primarily because let’s face it- they’ve had a pretty nasty reliability record for decades and yet they somehow manage to pull off the image of precision and quality which seems to work well. So if they were able to convince hordes of people to buy their cars under

What you said in my mind is what they probably need to do. I’ll use my father as a example. Back in 2002 he went out and bought a Toyota tundra. This is back when those were brand-new trucks and Toyota had no history of making large trucks .anyway he had the truck for several years and while then past the warranty one