
So if Trump isn’t the answer in your mind then why even give him the benefit of consideration period? I get what you are saying but honestly Trump makes zero sense as a politician.

I didn’t bother to read the bulk of your response. The fact that we are even having a remotely serious discussion about Mr Trump with regards to anything resembling a Presidential run for office is in itself ridiculous.

Except no baffled looks will be had since most would agree with my statement. There are of course a lot of right-wingers who got their feelings hurt that even though their GOP buddies sat on their ass and obstructed everything for the past 6.5 years that Obama got pretty much everything he wanted done who would

You “Appreciate” where he stands on the issues? Like exactly what do you approve of that he has said? I mean- if that’s what you genuinely feel is admirable then more power to ya. But people like I are merely baffled of the idea that he stands really for much of anything other than making a laughing stock out of

Thing about what you are saying here. In fact I’ve seen almost the same, repeated comment here and elsewhere: “ Oh, well that silly Donald guy says some asanine things but at least he says what he thinks” So how is that at all Presendential material?

If you’re going to make a comment at least make one that doesn’t have me rolling on the floor. If you want to try and compare a clown to the best President this country has seen in decades then don’t act surprised if people give you a baffled look.

... And Hillary actually talks about Politics verses whatever Trump seems to be rambling about. I had thought that perhaps the IQ of the average American had maybe, just maybe gone up a bit but the fact that there seems to be at least a few Americans who amazingly think this guys is at all Presedential material has me

We are talking about a Presedential election. Not a contest on who can say the most brash, ridiculous statements. There is a big difference between making ubsurd, assanine comments that have zilch to do with running the world’s most powerful country and making “blunt” statements regarding actual governmental policy.

His attitude is exactly that of an immature bully.not exactly sure that resonates well with presidential material.

They were made in the US for the US market. I doubt they were even exported.

I’d love to hear from you!

I distinctly recall that these were very well recieved and rated when they first came out- even by the likes of Consumer Reports. So yeah, they were a good model from Ford at that time, especially if one were to look at the other, mostly big floaty boats Lincoln offered then.

Agreed for the most part. Basically after I saw the documentary of these cars being out together I came away with the impression that rolls today are basically really nice aluminum bodies with cushy interiors stuck over a BMW drivetrain . But at the end of the day rich people still buy the crap out of them so I guess

Rolls used to hand build their engines. Now they are using a mass produced engine. The hand built engines were what most people thought of when it came to that brand. Hence my comment.

Please show me some sort of declaration that what you wear has to do with professionalism. As seen- the Corvette is now highly praised not only here in the US but abroad. Thus your augment is null and void.

... Which makes sense: those are all GM products...

I had some respect for rolls Royce until I saw a documentary on how they make their cars. When it came to the engine that step involved shoving in a pre built BMW engine. To me the heart and soul of a car is the engine and when all you're doing is sticking in an engine from another company then that car has lost it's

The only problem with your comment is that it's about 10 years out of date. GM cars and trucks are right up there with the rest in terms of quality. If you want to blame unions then you might as well proclaim that ALL European cars are crap too since virtually all European car companies are heavily unionized.

This is one of the dumbest comments I’ve seen. So now we’re going to judge car quality based on what the people who build them wear? Did it occur to you that maybe they were wearing what they like to wear? Your comment was more about making some cheap shot comment about unions and nothing more. I own a Toyota but the

My instant reaction to all cute looking Italian and British sports cars from the 70’s is that cute face hides a horror show of electrical and mechanical nightmares. Practically every other person I knew who owned one of these spent weekends just trying to get them to run.