
I lived in Boston for a few years. I didn’t own a car but noticed EVERY bumper looked totally beat to shit with most of the paint missing from the center front and rear. They did the same thing there too. I thought to myself that if I owned a car the first thing I’d be doing would be to stick a ball hitch on the rear

See? What we need are more race spectales like these. NASCAR? Pretty boring IMHO. This on the other hand I could watch all day. Its basically nuttin’ but people racing an engine attached to wheels.

I usually dont give a shit about exotic car reviews but really enjoyed reading this one. So yes.

As someone who doesn’t enjoy spending money prematurely on tires, I’m not rarin’ to do a burnout per say...

... Because the car shows aren’t about cars at all. My wife cleverly calls most shows like those- such as the garage/crab fishing/pawn reality shows “male soap opera” because while the shows might premise around those things they always become more about the invented personalities and their fake “arguments”.

We’re in an economic bubble and just like the last one it’s easy to confirm when you start seeing middle America suburbanites blowing 70k on trucks. It’s the same as when those same buyers were spending tons of money on Big ass SUVs in the 90’s.

I would’ve added Ed Welburn in the mix as he is a fairly instrumental part of GM’s overall brand design turnaround, just IMHO...

Translation: Probably out sometime around 2028...

yes. and a big Sherlock Holmes Pipe.

Ah yes, those are what we call “ AA5’s” or- “All American 5’s” because they use a very rugged and standardized circuit design using 5 tubes: A rectifier, amplifier, and a few detector/receiver tubes. There is a market for those. If you sell them locally as far as what I see there I am estimating between $25-$45 each

I like to use an analogy with discussions like these. My hobby is in restoring vintage electronics like radios, TVs and stereos from the 40’s-60’s. Anyway I have quite a few German sets along with hordes of American ones. The German sets are very nice indeed and when they work they work REALLY well. But the way

What models? I’ve done some work on a Cruz and it wasn’t entirely different from a Corolla.

I grew up in one of the most conservative areas of the US where Democratic canidates didn’t ever bother to campaign in since it was pointless. So I am all too well-aware of what its like to live with the attitude that permeated everything in starkly conservative environments.

Understand sarcasm? But anyway I worked on my neighbor’s BMW 5 series. The headlights stopped working at sheer random one day. The system for the lights was perhaps one of the dumbest pieces of engineering I’ve seen and that goes for the strange and overly complex connectors for the headlight assemblied.

If its a BMW as shown above throw all logical possibilities out the window...

Its more a Republican/conservative thing. They just loooooove to talk about Freeeeeedom.... so long as everyone else does exactly the same as they do, believe in what they believe and vote for who they also vote for. All other exceptions are simply written off as communisn or socialism.

If cars had personalities I feel the new Corvettes are much more approachable.

The Continental could be a hit but they need to do some serious work on the design first if the concept was the direction they were heading. Hell- I didn’t even know they were actually planning on building these to begin with.

So it was a truck and now has an engine permently stuck in the bed meaning it can’t be used as a truck. Pointless.

See my response to your other “colorful” response. And no need for me to “get a life” as I have a quite nice one already....