I could not care less about that character if you paid me to.
I could not care less about that character if you paid me to.
I think the largest objection to banning the emote is that “ban any emote that shows a black person” has its own issues, as a policy.
So if you beat this level, you get to think “I could’ve won the lottery. Instead I did this.”
I don’t know if “Company cancels failing game, focuses development on successful spinoff of that game” counts as being particularly “sketchy.”
Really? He invented that dance move in 2016?
Here’s Ribeiro talking about “his” dance in 2015:
.... in what way?
I’ve seen antiques roadshow too many times to pull this shit.
A downside to this model that I hadn’t considered until now is the truly, incredibly bad art on the cards.
“Content that, when russia passed that fucking anti “gay propaganda” bullshit blizzard blocked people with russian IP addresses from being able to view the comic”
“the last few weeks, behemoth channels like DramaAlert and PewDiePie have jumped on board”
The worst part is that the Twitter idiots that didn’t get the joke were trying to argue with you because they believed you were a Trump supporter, and wanted to point out how stupid Trump supporters are. A noble goal, on the face of it.
The person I was replying to claimed that Dr Disrespect had received violent threats.
Uh, again, to clarify: there’s no (as in none, not even a little, zero,) evidence at this time that he was specifically targeted, and to my knowledge he’s received no violent threats relating to this incident.
Hey, check it out.
I know nobody will talk about this, because it isn’t sensational, but the shots from this “shooting” were from a BB gun.
I look forward to your piece about how Luke Cage is obviously a fascist pig because he works with a cop.
Is this the part where I say I was just talking in character and that makes it all better?
I wonder how many hundreds of thousands of dollars he’s going to make off of this.
I’m sure people are going to bitch and moan about this, but Destiny had no NPC interaction, and functionally no story that makes any damn sense, and people fucking loved that game. Sure, some people complained, but they kept playing it for years.