When you drop a word like that, you gotta... no, you can't drop a word like that and expect people to be cool with it, even if you explain what you meant. I'm all for being an asshole, but there's a line.
What, are you gonna DOWN him or something?
It's like that movie Speed Racer
They didn't steal the llama, it's Emperor Kuzco and he wanted to party.
If this isn't this week's Kotakushop photo I will protest most severely.
Have you read the original article? The circus isn't pressing charges, because they thought it was hilarious and it has helped raise the lama to Internet celebrity fame as a result. The French singer who the lama was named after, Serge Lama, said this was exactly the kind of harmless humour France needed after so much…
Hahah, it totally does! ^_^
I've got a story similar to this, if a little more extreme, that happened to a few people in Paris.
It's simply called The Gnome Story and anybody who knows me knows this.
Party pooper.
Sounds like the plot to Hangover 7
My cat has a job, it's being super cute.
If it was the 70s or 80s and this group existed, you probably would not have heard of it. Saying "I didn't see anything back when the internet wasn't a thing, and I see things on the internet now, so obviously it didn't happen before" is illogical.
i´m a graphic designer...and it hurts just by looking at them...
Virtually anyone other than Square-Enix could do it better at this point.
Or would it be Square Enix Montreal... cuz... they have that in MTL too. And their essentially the same company... Hell, the recruiter who got me to my current job, (not Eidos or Square Enix MTL) is a recruiter for... well, Square Enix/Eidos MTL.
That FF-trailer partially made by Eidos was amazing.
I pre-ordered LoZ: Skyward Sword, but that's about it. My town's small, so your only chance of getting the biggest releases of the year on launch day are through pre-orders. Normally I wait the two weeks it takes for the game stores to get their post-launch shipments, but to me, LoZ is a reason to live.