2Lapu Lapu


The rock could have seriously injured the driver-or killed him. I don’t believe that they are the type of barbarians that would’ve checked for a baby seat pre-rockchuck at all.

About the point that you yourself presented? The white supremacists you present have had to travel over distances to kill Black people. The edict of ‘don’t shit in your own yard’ is in play now is it? And usually quite a distance to travel to do so. The Buffalo idiot, Dylan Rooof, and the host of many others. Think on

Just got back and it does seem as though alot of some pretty much mediocre-blended blandness has transpired here in the greys. What’s up with this late-to-the-game Sir Idiotness that has taken it upon himself to ascertain a certain level of lowlifery as it sees to the Whole Black Community at large but conveniently

Soooo an “Unregistered” license plate led to a traffic stop. Okay then. Now by some means Mr. Lyoya is shot in the back of the head. Okay Check.

“A real tragedy....”

Point taken 👉......

Right....Rooof, the Buffalo shooter,etc....all alive.

You weren’t believed by them for the simple reason that they had been paid for their services already.......

I agree. But just how do these brickbrains get ungreyed like this? Was it ever IN the greys at all? I didn't notice as I'm in there as a fact.

Sorry to state this and more than likely it may not apply to your condition at the time but my wife had back issues so bad that she had to virtually crawl around for weeks. Long story short she talked to Dr. after Dr. and all told her the same-back surgery. We both concurred that it was NOT on the table as it were and

Okay and thank you.....but the Jewish thing is a bit of the ‘Apple n Orange’ thing isn’t it? Oh well, perhaps the progenitor of the World Famous Harlem Globetrotters-a certain Mr. Abe Saperstein could possibly bend an ear ot two on either subject one could believe.

It looks as if the mail passed each other in delivery. As you’ve more than likely noticed by now the methods employed minimizing the usual “dismissive and denial quotient” here to illustrate that just because however many have “made it” there are still roadblocks strangely reminiscent of what are repeatedly stated as

It is and no denying that fact.

I don’t know about that “white people are the only racists” bit holds any water....I know better than that now!

Please. That Hollywood reference was a bit too easy in the Low-Hanging Fruit Department now....

Never said anything about NOT having successes only about having peoples’ success NOT be undermined by racism and/or bias. But nevertheless I do thank you and some others for the illumination of what I would have liked to present here as an individual but as things are, would be dismissed/denied.

By your response I will consider myself correct on most accounts. Have at it with that Polyanna-esque view. Sounds like a nice thing to be able to walk into a retail/grocery store and NOT have 5 Security Guards shadowing you as you get 2 feet inside all while one can watch real thieves are stuffing merchandise down

Colonialism. Remember that one?Whereby the European rulers divided up the non-white nations of the World and raped, pillaged, stole etc. the Natural Resources from these nations and cultures. The people just followed what was theirs in the first place. By the way-No, its not ‘funny’ to the non-whites that I know.

You may not believe this but I actually concur!