
John Lennon said it first in "imagine", and Religion too.

Winston Churchhill, a Land Rover!!!....

And let's be honest if you got an Annamae license plate all it would say is I'm a virgin and live in my moms basement or attic.

Can't be as bad as I imagine, it could be snowing too.

We got a bear on one you just have to pay for it. Overall North Carolina has some good customize plates,
better than Texas where all they like his Ford trucks.

Nice concept but it's going to needs a little bit more suspension clearance the pass over some snow but AWDRIVE from factory nice. I would test drive it any day.

Give it a facelift new grill and headlights and it will look 20+ years newer, because it is the same front clip. Easily make this thing look like a 60+k truck in no time.

Looks to be the Executive businessman's Corvette it's very nice! And I definitely don't miss the old reef around the logo Let's be honest it's not a Derby winning horse

This is on my wish lists I'll take one in white with polestar blue accents instead of orange.

Oh nice Raphael use fisting in your Byline bring on the Mexican donkey show comments.

2014 where is my hologram license plates and my freaking hover-boards!!!...

To many working parts equals weight!
Should have been a manual top.

To many working parts equals weight!
I'm with you should have been a manual top.
Also if the main hoop has play in it also takes away from the rigid strength of the car.

Build the bus, projected TOP sales in Colorado now.

If Toyota was I Chinese company i would have been afraid they had spliced and cloned, original Stig and black Stig.

If VW used Atlas and Dana equipped from factory. It would have a leg up from any other stock vehical from factory even the rubicon. But you and I know it all about set up, and your average SUV owner is not going to trow it on a trail. Ultimately I would be happy with a VW Thing 181 2.0 for the beach and blvd, with an

A hat-trick in the Dakar.
Yah VW has no 4x4 pedigree.

With VW Success in the Dakar in years passed they would be able to apply some of the technologies they used.

With VW Success in the Dakar in years passed they would be able to apply some of the technologies they used.

I was hopping Forza was going to have one in the arsenal and also the Bowler wildcat.