
No one saw this one coming.
Welcome to WWIII, BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Cadillac CTS-V Wagons or as the UK calls them "Estates",Boo yeah!

Ummmmmmm... and this is not the duck dynasty red necks!

I love lamp

India transport trucks have been doing it for years,
just add lights and stir or is that a cocktail recipe?

It's not a party till I come through!

This is popular in the North Carolina MTN and a lot of the rafting companies do this to move the rafts and people to the rivers.

Don't forget the duck tap I think it would be a great addition!
Just joking the bazooka looking ones from the 40s- 50s popular with the low rider community.

Crack pipe all daylong everyday!!!! For 3k more I think you could find a good Delorean DMC-12 and up grade the leather interior to that ugly white and red carpet and would have a winner......"Joking this has an interior that only Tony Montana could love."

This thing is bloody brilliant .
But for all that is holy!!!.. phone filming in landscape!!!...

8-10k is good but max! But this other guy in the conversation was good with 15k which is throwing good money after bad.

Been there done that!!!!!....

Not like they are doing anything else. Just fun and games. Any one for a game of thermonuclear warfare????.

You hit it!!!!!!!!
BBook plus 2k for the work you hope they did right.

Don't have to be bright or shiny.

Signs signs everywhere signs.
Welcome to town.

Awesome!!! Don't forget the roof rack really ties in the look.

Ahhhhhh... No! espesoly behind you, with lights ablazing never a good thing. Have never had an officer just want to say "Hi how are you doing, want a cup of coffee and a donuts?"

Any beetle with any color + ivory/cream is a win in my book!!!
And even better if its brown and ivory/cream.

I'm embarrassed sometimes of being an American wish we can just grow up, Stop playing games! We really should set a better example.

What if he didn't save it? He would have been hurt if not dead and could have killed someone else.
He was driving way too fast for conditions!