
Ill take Hamsters and Capt. Slow opinions over Clarkson any day every day.

Just minor interior tweaks, but no need to mess with the rest. "Perfection!"

Yes top gear tested and proved that doctor.
Next world problem?

Why fix it if its not broken?

I was Kinjaed photo did not load.

Best part the rear vertical mount spare tire.

The Town

It exists so one day your father will leave you his entire empire. Well I've heard according to their propaganda.

Ok this thing is really cool.

Yah at 6k I think it's the Lowe hardware green light-stop light racer. But I think this is an old guy who will let it go a loy cheaper I'm starting the price at 4.5 and will get him to sell at 5k-5.5.


The start button still looks like a dogs wang.

Photo did not load!
I have Been Kinjaed all day with my postings.

One better we almost had mayor Anthony Weiner.

Wait a minute! we had Bush here for 8yrs! It's your turn to be the national joke.
So happy belated turkey day Canada.

Hey we had Bush here for 8yrs! It's your turn to be the national joke.
So happy belated turkey day Canada.

Had to debut on ABC if it was on NBC Jay Leno would've tried to leave with it. Let's be honest Leno's has probably owned one for a year already.

Vintage time attack or rally car but only at half this price. If it was at the 15k-12k all day long good price. but something of this nature in the 20Ks is for something with race pedigree and resale ability is a must.

Ill bring the marshmallow.
Will miss the V8 Big beasts.