Every city I’ve ever lived in, city bus drivers are straight up honey badgers. If that Eclipse driver wanted to stop, they should’ve climbed in a window and rung the bell like everyone else.
Every city I’ve ever lived in, city bus drivers are straight up honey badgers. If that Eclipse driver wanted to stop, they should’ve climbed in a window and rung the bell like everyone else.
I’d much rather believe that the bus driver was just pissed at the idiot in the car and decided to fuck with them.
Hey, look at that cliff! Aaaaaaaaaa...
I mean my parents are millionaires too, but it’s called a retirement account...
“Man whose parents have amassed just enough to retire at 65 without reducing middle class standard of living crushes their dreams in one fell swoop.”
Hi...shameless plug here but I have dealer contacts that will order Tellurides to spec and sell them at MSRP
You clearly missed the part where he said he is from San Fran. After that I just remembered those living in fantasy land are going to be very hard to please.
What I truly want to point out is my alarm at just how little the rhetoric has changed. If you’re still making the same arguments to win people over, how far have you truly progressed?
Was he afraid the kid was trying to keep him from freezing without his consent?
Utter stupidity unless this is many thousands under market value.
TBF, this guy brought his birds with him to pick up his car, so he probably has a Ken doll crotch anyhow.
“You may also call spending a five-figure sum on a bicycle preposterous, but for serious cyclists every gram counts, and May’s review is a good reminder that, for hobbyists and enthusiasts of cars or bicycles, priorities differ.”
The one thing CA does right?!?! C’mon, we’re pretty good at having homeless people too
“A hole in a brake line or hose renders that entire brake system/subsystem useless. A hole in a hydraulic line or hose isn’t as big of a deal, since there are tanks right near each brake, and the tanks hold enough air for multiple brake applications.”
This is good Jalop.
Thank you David! That was a good break from the project I am currently working on. I love learning about everyday parts on vehicles.
Negative, it supports my thesis that most people are ignorant about the world around them. It’s the same people that won’t think about whether they have DRL’s or automatic headlights, or plan for their upcoming exit instead of cutting across 3 lanes of traffic at the last moment.
Agree, it’s not like they review other cars as “likely to be driven by unwashed, greasy-haired people who’d rather splurge on avocados and think rust is a feature.”
Not to defend Colonial, but they are a business and they’re in business to make money. Also, the computer systems have replaced the manual paper systems of yore. You can’t just suddenly grab a pad of paper and a calculator to replace complex automated billing systems and having them on standby doesn’t really make…