
that is exactly what people that have given up on life do.”

I’m just glad they’re finally packing more power into these things, because that’s what sells them. The go-pedal, baby.

Better hope a few next-generation nuclear plants are built over the next 15 years”

I suppose they’ve also worked out the whole problem they have with the grid not being able to handle current demand, let alone the demand from charging how many million EV’s. I sense a bit of a role reversal in regards to carts and horses here.

So in other words, only the rich will have cars in California? How progressive.

Literally no one is worried about this sticking. Its an EO for 15 years into the future from a governor that is terrible at his job. He clearly couldn’t get it passed through law despite what should be an “easy win” in California.  

In CA this thing will get destroyed by a Proposition so fast. This is just Newsom signaling to his environmentalist friends.

What promises has he made for development of electrical and charging infrastructure to support this decree?

This is so fucked. The CA power grid cant handle summers and falls as is. No way they can get power production ready for this. That’s only 15 years away and as a reminder CA wont build any coal, natural gas, nuclear, or hydro plants to serve the demand, only solar and wind. For this plan to work they would also need

Nah, let em build it in France. Change the color name from “Concord grape” to “conquered grape”

I agree with this logic to a certain extent; the only people I have EVER seen driving a Journey, is someone of.... questionable status in society and certainly looking quite... skeezy. Or more than likely it’s a grandma carting her grandkids around because their deadbeat kid can’t take care of them and/or grams and

This might make me buy a console and play a video game for the first time in 6 or 7 years, but we’ll see

Catastrophic? For someone who I’m assuming appreciates comedy, his words are comedic gold farts. Maybe his consequences are catastrophic, but his words are laughter to my ears. I cannot WAIT until he and Joe Biden debate. OMFG, it’s going to be epic!

Fletch, you’re getting attacked because you had the temerity to speak the truth. Most people don’t want to hear that as we’re seeing. They want to be told fairy tails.

One could ask you the same question. If your reply is “fuck off” who is arguing in bad faith? My question to you is, why did you even work hard, if nothing you did could help you? Obviously you’ve lived the argument you’re fucking off. I don’t know how you can’t possibly assign a single point of credence to smart

Great retort. You must have been the captain of your debate team.

I like the idea, but I think I’d switch up the order a bit: