
Nice, man. We agree on the same thing. Responsible splitting is all good. Personally i’d have the loudest motorcycle money can buy as well. There is a guy in my neighborhood with a huge chopper that is as loud as a jet engine - and on top of that the dude blasts his radio. I don’t see him getting hit any time soon

Damn, how many quarters did that take to do?

I don’t think the M2 is going to do anything for me with this on the market. I’m 90% this is my next car. In 2016 of course. Because, 10k over asking for a Ford .....

I was born and raised in Los Angeles. Do you understand how far everything is over here? I’d venture to say i have more miles on the road than you do. With that being said, i’ve seen a large number of motorcycle accidents. And the majority i’ve seen have involved getting hit on the side by negligent motorists or more

Move the World Cup from Qatar, raid the bank accounts of all these corrupt bastards and compensate the slave laborers and the families of the deceased. Bring some honor back to soccer

New Beetle.

On one, two, three .... booyakasha!

It boils down to mathematics. A rear end collision is certainly worse for a motorcyclist than a side collision. However, in grid lock traffic at what speed will a rear end collision occur? Typically not really hard. The prevalence of something going wrong when a motorcycle maneuvers between unsuspecting motorists must

Honey, I’m Home! That commute was great. Those bikers in front of me shaved 30 seconds off my commute!

If there is any justice in this world the man that did that wonderful deed will have the gods rain down massive amounts of pussy on him.

I’ve wondered for a while if one of the Jalopnik writers is resonsible for Regular Car Reviews. Those videos are spectacular and hilarious.

The “line is shorter argument” is preposterous. When I am sitting in traffic I have literally no regard for the poor saps stuck behind me. If a motorcycle is lane splitting from my rear, the fact that it gets to it’s destination faster than me does not in any way, shape, or form help my commute any. Similarly, the

He certainly has skill but he ignorantly ignores his own limits and can’t control his machismo

The dealership is Cueter Chrysler. How did that get past you?

Evasive manuevers between two cars? Good luck with that, Mr. Sulu

You don’t understand. I’m all for riders. I pay attention and check my rear view mirror in traffic and move way over so riders can lane split. What I’m saying is that it’s silly behavior. Just like the idiots I see running stop signs. 99% of the time you get away with it but sooner or later it’s your ass. It’s

If you are dumb enough to put your life in the hands of some soccer mom texting on a phone while her 2.6 children are screaming in the backseat, more power to you