When I was a kid we called it gymnastics and it was performed by awkward people in a closed facility, away from public viewing and ridicule
When I was a kid we called it gymnastics and it was performed by awkward people in a closed facility, away from public viewing and ridicule
Gotta be.
The only thing you article reinforces it the idea that comprehensive immigration reform on the federal level is needed. The medical expenses of undocumented immigrants come largely from emergency rooms which are bat shit crazy expensive. If given citizenship and forced to buy health insurance the costs would…
Ohh “a ton” of them and your own personal anecdote no less. Someone call off the census, we have an expert on the scene.
Is California to Washington “cross-country” enough or do you really want to venture through a bunch of fly-over states?
Whatever blows the wind up your skirt
They pay into taxes. And the notion that all undocumented immigrants drive uninsured and/or without licenses is patently false.
Just a quick note: In California we call them “undocumented immigrants.” They’ve actually helped build our economy to one of the biggest in the world. Some other colloquialisms you might not be used to: “Cement Pond” is called a “swimming pool” or just “pool” for short. We typically refer to “Barrack Hussein Obama”…
Should have been quite apparent when he let Michael Vick come back to the NFL.
15 year old can scare the crap out of the other passengers and cause mass panic. And what happens if she freaks the fuck out? Does anyone want to see that little girl get put in a sleeper hold?
Bring your own hot food for your child. I’ve traveled across the country 8 times with my dog and that is a stressful endeavor. Her ticket was twice mine and I had to get there extra early and walk/comfort her before the flight. But I did it because it was MY DUTY. These entitled parents can fuck off.
The Stig
Venture outside the United States and even then I believe your statement is a gross exaggeration. I’ve approached three dudes in my gym alone I saw parking their M3’s (sounds a little creepy, i know). Like most enthusiasts they loved talking about their cars and how they personalized them.
Good point. Bad example on my point
Do you know how many air cooled 911s were made? Have you seen the prices? The cars are not and have never been rare but continue to appreciate.
Yes, the (possible) last naturally aspirated non-hybrid Ferrari is going to be 60k..... Bro, the 458 is only going to increase in value. Drop the argument because you have none
Seriously, bro. Do you even lift? (Also, note that if a woman was talked to in this matter the internet would explode because ya know.. body issues only apply to women)
Brah, Project Cars!