
do you guys see the overhead light in the video? it's on the right.

cool story bro.

wikipedia is one of the best things to happen on the internet.

"Are your knees made out of some crumbly bone paste that can't support an iPad? Are you a cat? Are you a baby? Are you bedridden? Do you like to watch YouTube vids by pressing your face directly against the screen? Are you attending one of Kate Middleton's aristocratic pillow fights? Are you an idiot?"

this is pretty damn hilarious.

While it looks really awesome, i really don't understand you would hold this phone. I mean from the look of it just gripping it would constantly be activating toggles.

it definitely looks like he's set himself up to build those in bulk. I know I'd buy one, so maybe if he gets it going on ebay or something he could get more out of this than a badass helmet a a bit of internet fame. XP

Come writers and critics who prophesize with their pen,

I can only imagine a status-updating mother buying these for her children, only for them to develop an intricate morse code-like system to communicate much more than "i'm eating, sleeping, brushing my teeth (real lulz at the last one)."