
Is there no end to what can be done??

Being able to hold 1000 lbs means it hold you, a buddy a couple of folding camp chair and a keg in a bucket of ice. Or maybe you just float the keg in the bucket of ice and put a couch on this thing.

I agree. I'm saving my money until the clear version comes out.

That is nothing new. The latin word for left is sinistra... yes the same base word as sinister. You southpaws never could be trusted!

Translation: "I spent a beautiful weekend inside alone on my couch eating hot pockets and masturbating to Game of Thrones."

I think that if you have Comcast internet AND cable, then you should be able to stream it through your cable box or any other device since it's just one 'pipe' into your house, but if you're purely an internet subscriber then they should have no say in what content you pull through the pipe and they charge you for.

Don't forget for poor judgement and life choices in general.

He should have either said that he thought the light was going to change and he should stop, but god willed him to go on and the officer interfered with God's plan, or that his 5 wives were arguing with him and distracted him and if the court's new a way to silence all of them at the same time he'd be happy to pay

Stop sign placement and enforcement (what little there might be) is completely controlled by your local officials. 9 times out a 10 if cops are sitting trying to catch people blowing through a stop sign it's because there's been a specific incident or a local resident(s) compaining of speeding around their kids.

I live in DC - most stop signs are in residential neighborhoods with lots of families and kids. Cops have a lot to do (although it seems the parking authority has plenty of free time to nitpick) so they only tend to focus enforcement in areas that have high instances of people blowing through the stop signs as the go

Me neither. I'm guessing a GS is a motorcycle and the cop assumed he couldn't balance at a complete stop without putting his feet from the pegs to the ground. Was the officer also on a motorcycle?

The physics involved with signing your name on both the guilty line of the ticket and on the next blank check in your check book is simpler.

I think most of us would come off as smug trying to use this argument, but if you read his conclusion section he was careful to show modesty and appeal to the court, without being pompous and by giving the judge an out so he didn't have to set precedent saying a cop can't issue a ticket just by eyeballing someone that

I'm guessing the judge threw the case out more for his military service than actually believing the technicality he argued. Put a civilian in there that's an engineer that designed the radar on his plane and I'd lower the odds of the judge letting him off.

DC was designed with great roundabouts (Circles - Dupont, Logan, Thomas, Scott, etc) at multi-street intersections - that they then proceeded to install 8 lights to get around. Awfulness.

I love window seat because I can sleep like a baby on most flights. I'm often asleep before we hit 10,000 feet and having headphones in helps make that happen. If a flight attendent seems to be a stickler for the rules, I've found that a single earbud on the window side works well. i just use the button on the wire

Correction - MOST normal consumer electronics aren't going to.

Glad to see they changed the name from "Sexhole". And you can definitely fit two people in one of those! Trust me - work the late shift and they'll find a way...

I think the point is that during the olympics it will be difficult to schedule properly manned shifts that allow workers to maintain normal commutes with all the closures and tourists and gridlock, so they'll staff two+ shifts onsite so they don't have breaks to otherwise properly manned shifts.

I'd much prefer a $5 iApp app with simple automation, like their iMovie app (or the better 3rd party app Splice) so I don't need to know anything behind the scenes and just pick different things I can already do and slap them together and personalize them into a single one or two click function. "At the bar"? Great -