
Actaully it's substantially more complex than that. Doing minimal exercise 45 minutes before eating a huge meal will trigger your body to convert the food to muscle and energy as opposed to fat and storage, whereas eating small meals following sedentary periods will cause your body to store the energy. Calories in

Is it really still "breakfast" at 11:45 AM? Man college was fun...

Check out the 4-hour body. Great insights into how our bodies eract to triggers. I could easily see how Carb load early in the day ramps up your metabolism to keep you burning more through the rest of the day and into the night instead of putting the calories toward storage and fat.

swamps are natural filters...

Only if time started 250 million years ago at the end of this period. ;)

I wouldn't mind starting with some actual pictures of the forest or at least its fossils as opposed to just the artists renderings based upon them

Now that their budget is slashed they're just all sitting around playing games...

It's oriented the same as a picture taken at the equator that you would call "right side up". It's proof that the world is round. Everything in the arctic approaches "sideways" as you get further north.

Don't forget to heart him when you're finished!

Everytime you wrote OTA, my mind read OTB and I just assumed you have a gambling problem. Sorry and/or I hope you get the help you need...

I have a hard time believing you can't get DSL. What about RCN? They usually service everywhere that comcast does and can ride on the existing wiring in the building (i live in an older city apartment building as well).

Depending on your sports package, it might even be enough to buy your own franchise...

I'm pretty sure Mrs. Trike is your single biggest expense outside of the mortgage. I'm not saying you should cut her and then cut your cable, just recommending you go through the cost benefit analysis of the option and see what makes sense.

Have a nice day! :)

I'm not sure you're wholly familiar with what the embalmer is already doing to the bodies - or moreso the coroner if they do an autopsy. They probably just grab them during the process. When you go to a viewing and someone looks all pretty their lips and eyelids are sewn shut and nothing is touched up besides the

a) My mom told me I was.

It's not bullying if you're breaking up fights on the playground. If you really want to have this discussion you need to get much smarter about nuclear threats, existing arsenals, maintenance, reduction acts and the real politics involved with it, not just an off the cuff "that's bullying" statement. "Russia

I think you largely underestimate how much the US and the world care about North Korea and their nukes - it's just that most of the good intel and diplomacy work that gets done can't be readily reported without being undermined.

This is part of what got down there.

Passive aggressive much?