
In addition to the reasons below, I think as a general rule of thumb they try and run almost exclusively nighttime ops. Plus, if you see it coming, it's probably too late. Even if you've got some guy out in the middle of the desert that calls you and says "It's coming north towards you" what are you gonna do. Back


Mine goes straight to my cell so I can hit 9 and buzz folks in. It's also useful if I'm out of town and a friend wants to stay at my place. I lend him my keys with the electronic fob and just buzz myself in at the front door with my cellphone - no more '$50 fee' for an extra fob.

Ditch the landline. Your cellphone will work as long as it's charged and as long as the outage isn't widespread enough to take out the cell towers in range. If the circuits are jammed from overuse, texting is your most reliable communication sending/recieving whole messages in small amounts of data in small windows

Go ahead Andy! Enjoy! (Before you do, what's your gf's # again? Thanks. And no peeking by your bits and bytes at our bits and bites while we FaceTime please...)

Not so much on the google+ part...

I would, if Blackberry had a sense of humor.

Years of work. Millions of dollars. And one long-line fishing trauler rips it all apart. So sad.

I'm guessing whoever invents it is pretty damn smart.

I was in the secret 13th subbasement at Langley one day just wasting time. He did some cool shit. They were handing it out in drips and drabs to Jobs while he was alive (it was the radioactive physical encryption that killed him early). They're trying to figure out who should get it next. I don't want to give


I concur.

Scott Ritter: You've clearly broken the UN Security Council's sanctions by accruing this equipment. It's going in my report.

Mmmm BPA's are tasty.

You have to make it. Unless you've already subjugated people closer to where you're at and you have them make it for you. Go plant a few trees. Then wait.

Read this book about the recreation of the voyage of St. Brendan who was supposedly one of the first europeans to reach "the New World". Amazing.

Like Bill, will you give the other 511,936,000 bytes to charity and cure Polio and Malaria?

Check out the Michael Lewis interview on the Daily Show. Michael asked "Did you see the movie? Did you like it?" and Jon starts to give him an "oh yeah, great" type answer when Michael Lewis interrupts and says - "I thought it was gonna suck. For 7 years I had no idea how'd they'd make a movie out of it, but thye

This is going to make managing my franchised families difficult. If I take a pic of wife A and kid A in NYC, wife B and kids B1 and B2 in DC will see it instantly on the iPad I bought them for Christmas.

That wasn't what I was saying at all. Obsessing over anything isn't healthy and it's not about a hot bang with some chick - it's about ensuring you have a healthy and strong relationship with your partner that is evident to your children as opposed to putting soccer and little league and chores and letting kids sleep