
Actually not high at all. Just a bit overworked with project management and out-year budget development and investment strategy, so I needed a creative release. I hope it was at least mildly entertaining for you.

If I started telling everyone where they put it, it wouldn't be safe. Now would it?

One of those inflatable bounce houses and a couple gallons of baby oil. The ice luge for shots is usually all the incentive you need to turn your afternoon family entertainment to evening adult fun.

80 degrees isn't swimming weather???!??!!!?? what??? In what pampered bourgious chateau did you grow up in? If the ice melted, it's warm enough to swim. Suck it up and get your ass in the pool!

How many hipsters does it take to change a light bulb?

Yeah - love that tune. I had to look it up - 1996 release... I've still got it stuck in my head now, and I'm ok with that. Thanks!

And how's that work for you 14 years after its release?

That why they love it.

Without even enlarging the pic I cuold tell that this was a "government acquisition phase gate process slide"

But you could do this from anywhere as long as you have a nice big monitor and access to the data... for $8.50 an hour.

It's there. They've already found it and put it in a safe place. Don't worry.

Who's engadget? there are other gadget blogs?

Didn't you ever see Top Gun??? NEVER, NEVER leave your wingman!

Now THAT's funny.

Maybe we're only buying 250 of them, but SAYING we're buying 2443 of them. They ARE stealth - and it's harder and harder to discreetly funnel money to Area 51 to buy green goo to feed the aliens.

Nope - that's the capital investment. O&M and re-tooling and re-training all the maintenance shops and folks is on top.

Correlating nicely with the Transformers 3 release... Coincidence? or something more... (read the book)

You must be new to Gizmodo... Read the fine print - this is about cool sh!t and as much about a "facts based discourse" as Stewart and Colbert are news programs.

I'll stick with my own i-suffixed headphones for 60% less. All day comfort, great sound and full iPhone controls on the line. Even if I can never figure out how to pronounce the company name.