
Victims of illegal immigration are the marginalized victims you idiots. You are pranking victim hotlines...just forget trump and stop and think about that for 2 seconds.

What is the problem with planking a rape survivors hotline? They should call the police...you people are monsters.

Really messed up to prank call a hotline for victims of violence. Partisanship brings out the absolute worst in people.

Obama is guilty of war crimes yet I doubt you are quick to call for his death. Again you speak from an incredible place of privilege. You need to check that prior to calling for the murder of people you have never met.

Obama is back from his vacations on mega yachts to tell us the danger of using fossil fuels. How quaint.

Can’t jezebel be sued for this article? He was found innocent on all 3 charges of forced rape. No Romeo and Juliet laws there so he was charged for the age difference. The jury decided no rape took place. She even told the school nurse that it was consensual. What am I missing here?

This article says he raped that girl but I was under the impression he beat that charge?

And you disregarded the impending nightmare she also represented. If she had won we may have been at war with Russia right now for starters.

Both Boxer and Feinstein are corrupt Israel firsters. They represent the worst that the Democrats have to offer.

Your company was targeted by the soviets??? lol which company.

Pushing anti white bigotry into the mainstream is going to have the opposite reaction that many of you expect.

The arguments you make in favor of attacking NK can more easily be made for attacking the USA. Please don’t use these arguments.

Nobody is asking the U.S. to bomb NK. That is the MIC putting insane ideas in your head.

We are the belligerent nation. We are like the bully that goes around picking on the little guys and when they put their hands up in self defense we label them the dangerous ones. Absolutely ridiculous.

Thank you!!! I feel like I am taking crazy pills. Where is the anti war left??

The claim that assad used gas is still just a theory. If you have definitive proof please share.

How much subterfuge was required to get americans to support the iraq war?

NYT reported ISIS used chemical weapons 52 different time in Iraq and Syria. Given this fact I would like a full and impartial investigation to be completed prior to dropping bombs. Does that make me the alt right because I always considered myself way left of the Dem party? Having lived through Iraq I am in utter

How do you know that? We still don’t even know who used chemical weapons.

Why do you believe Assad used chemical weapons? Everyone seems so sure and I want to see what they have seen.