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    So this is happening to me right now in NYC. An ex from a decade ago posted nude photos of me on Craigslist with my address phone number and request for men to come rape me. No joke. He was mad I didn’t want to get together after 10 years so this is what he does. Cool.

    So now would be a great time for everyone to go vegan. Resist.

    That’s disgusting and terrible. Is that a real shark? Don’t post stuff like this. Mean.

    Because the sharks are being forced to live in a tiny tank for henredt of their lives? Yes, me too.

    These comments are the most pathetic thing I’ve ever read. You guys hate the BEACH? Sun? Sand? Gtfo. I could spend every waking moment on the beach and dieda happy lady.

    The 1% is just a number. I HATE when doctors put numbers into patients. You are so much more than a number. Keep having sex, keep doing what you’re doing, and try to stay positive. I am so so sorry about your pup. Looks just like mine. What a sweet face.

    What a shitty comment. I can not believe the amount of woman bashing going on here. If she was a democrats wife, we’d all be praising her for wearing what she wants and looking fabulous. Hate her politics fine. But everyone on this thread is coming across as petty and stupid.

    Yes. On shrooms I saw just how big the universe is. We are so small and insignificant. I also saw my brothers face rapidly transform between various animals, humans, and other worldly beings.

    Yep. I wonder if they’d go after white field with curly hair. I am a white woman with 3c type hair and there’s no way I could get my hair less than 2" thick without straightening it.

    Meh. Can only go off your comments as we are on an anonymous comment blog. Not judging you in the slightest. It’s just a fact that the mental gymnastics people take in order to justify something is rationalization and it isn’t helping anything. I’m pretty sure we’re fighting for the same cause. Good luck to us. We

    You’d be surprised!!! I see girls come into my local vegan cafe wearing fur coats all the time.

    Pretty much every large factory farm has been cited for extreme animal abuse. It’s all public record. The cows may not be skinned alive but they are “raped” with meal prods, beaten, dismembered, and tortured. Male baby chicks are literally tossed Alive into grinders.

    Fur farms skin their animals alive. 100%.

    My dogs are vegetarians! They’re super healthy and love their food.

    Have you ever seen a slaughterhouse video? The pigs and cows and chickens are also being tortured and are extremeley stressed out.

    Same goes for the factory farming and the future of our planet.


    To be totally frank. She may be suffering from bipolar or some sort of breakdown. Just going off your comment.

    I’m not sure that’s a fair statement. I refused to put my family member in a home while raising 2 kids under 5 at the age of 25. It was hell and I know it’s not for everyone. I also don’t think people love their relatives more or less depending on their choice. But I did it and would do it again for my mom in a

    Totally different shirt and hat and gloves. It isn’t trump. I don’t get the feeling like you need to lie