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    I’m half stoned and didn’t realize this was satire for a bit too long.

    My 9 year old drew a scrambled drawing for the women’s march. She was mad but couldn’t express it in words and it came out beautifully. Everyone understood it.

    Lol doesn’t take a genious to be curious. His question is very normal For a 3 year old.

    That makes me sad. You guys need to see it from each other’s perspectives. As hard as it is, you both want the same thing with different visions of the path there. I am someone who voted Bernie in the primary and did not vote in the general election. I have my reasons for it and ultimately want the best for everyone.

    Nor elephant riding, swimming with dolphins, trophy hunting, fur wearing, etc etc etc. I can go on and on about how humans abuse animals for nothing other than selfish gain.

    About me??? You mean about the planet?

    How am I not correct?

    I really hope everyone concerned with this and trump’s entire environmental plan is going to stop eating meat. Considering the fact that factory farming is the #1 cause of global warming...

    I once had a date who as SOON as we were done having sex (I mean literally....he was still inside me) started saying how women don’t deserve equal pay (something I had brought up earlier) because they don’t do equal jobs. His reasoning was “how many garbage WOMEN do you see?” I think he was trying to say that because

    I completely agree. I feel slightly in the twilight zone with how many people are completely missing the theme of this movie and are SO offended. Is reincarnation something new to them?

    Omg. It’s about reincarnation. That is a theme in so many children’s movies. Reincarnation is a beautiful idea and makes death less scary. It’s weird how many people are making comments like yours.

    lol you do it! Why wait around for others? The women who organized the women’s march are not special organizers. Organize this and I’m sure it’ll have a crazy turnout

    What? Is that really your helpful reply? Having all boys and all girls schools is not the problem we need to focus on. Petty stuff like this is giving our cause a bad name.

    This is how wars get started. I know you’re joking but that initial violent reaction is how wars start and people die. Let’s not even joke about violence against each other. K?

    Well JoJo fletcher (other Rodgers gf/fiancé) is of I believe Iranian background and they seem to love her...

    Omg. I listened to that audio book while driving cross country with my two dogs. I had to legit pull over off the highway to sob for much too long when I reached the ending.

    If you think that gallon of milk is any “cleaner” than fresh cow milk straight from the udder, the milk industry marketing teams are #winning.

    Then what is “reality”? Why is one thing real and the other isn’t. There are many realities. It all depends on the experiencers perceptions.

    No. don’t ask people to do black magic. That is very very bad. The most I will do is pray for trump and send him white light. And pray for everyone.

    Doesn’t it though? Don’t we make our own reality? Believing in something unequivocally makes it real. The end. Only trying to help.