
You're dead on with those red flags. By the time my friends/family and girlfriend voiced their concern for me, it was too late and I was already over the edge. Now, in 2+ years of living in the "Recovery World", one of the most common things I hear newcomers saying is that their wife/husband/etc has been concerned.

Here's his twitter bio: "WaPo Sports Columnist. Still believes in newspapers, the pick-and-roll and good dogs." So, yeah. I'm guessing his favorite NBA player is Larry Bird and he still uses phrases like "layups count for 2 points, the same as dunks", etc.

No, they weren't mean about it - just like Lindy's friends weren't mean about it when she crashed with the pizza. Lindy's private moment is killing her inside, just like my own.

Alcoholic here. Oddly, the biggest humiliation I experienced was when I finally took steps to get well. I went to treatment, to AA, the whole 9 yards...and I was so humiliated when my friends found out. I could just picture everyone (friends, family, etc) whispering about how pathetic and sad my life must have

This was my immediate thought as well. Looks like the local group of mean girls and their buddy were bullying the ugly poor outcast and making fun of her chicken farm. Pink's friends brought a camera and everything to film the event. Black backs away and runs all the way to her porch, Pink continues to bully her

The NBA Playoffs are like a Shrek or Finding Nemo movie: cool for kids and tweens, but only watchable for adults in small doses. Unless you plan on going to Disney Camp this summer, you're probably too old for this stuff. The NBA isn't a league - it's a T.G.I. Friday's dressed up in a Lakers uniform.

"I didn't know bears could climb" — Please. Someone tell this female camera person that American Black Bears are among the strongest climbers of any animal species in the Western Hemisphere. Duh.

"Many, like me, have unofficially separated from it, and all that's left now are the ZOMBIES… the people screaming from an empty stage who don't realize that everyone in the audience has gone home." — great summary, I couldn't agree more.

A couple of these guys are sarcastically saying "HEIL socialism" and "thought police", etc. I am pretty sure those guys are gun-toting, racist Tea Partiers who totally agree with Sterling's statements. Fuck them. As for the rest, they could have picked from a number of different examples to protest a breach of the

These kids are all definitely in this together. Same age, look like they're probably in the same social circle. You can just tell they hang out. My guess is that one of the bros on the right caught wind of this scam that could hook them up and they bragged to the girls about it over a few beers after the kickball

Some people hate it when people break rules, other people don't really mind. Gawker doesn't care if people toke weed, but they hate it when people steal race bibs (see: this article) and rent out their apartments for a weekend (see: next article). Oh well!

About that bunt: Nunez showed sacrifice early (like NL pitchers do) and fouled the first two attempts off horribly. He then showed bunt again on 0-2, and the pitch came right at his face. He fell back about 5 yards and the bunt was basically lined to first base, but there wasn't a play anywhere but 1st base. So the

Not on a force out.

I'm pretty sure botox is a status thing. Just like wearing the right shoes, having the right handbag, etc. I'm not sure how that makes the situation patriarchal. I just don't think the word needs to be used when discussing a bunch of cosmetically-enhanced women crying about meaningless stuff.

Patriarchal demand? Nuh-uh. These shallow women made their faces look like this because other WOMEN make their faces look like this. Sound ridiculous? Same goes for throwing the blame on men here. I'd actually argue this is more of an economically driven "rich problem". I'll stop there, because worrying about

All the women seem to know immediately what's happened.

Damn, dude's out until 3.30am, snorting coke and drinking booze and he has a game in DC the next day? Fucking Christ. Most people couldn't even function after a binge like that, let alone do all the shit he was supposed to do. Perhaps this is some kind of subconscious cry for help or something. Hope the guy gets

Oh Hawk does all that - the darker Latinos he calls lazy, and the light-skinned Latinos are hot-tempered. He's not like Scully either - Scully is a product of yesteryear and most of his stuff ("Look at that Cuban, he runs like a horse!") is simple ignorance. Hawk is kind of a racist and means the stuff he says.

I agree the headline does cheapen the accusation. But as a Chicagoan who has reluctantly been listening to Hawk for years, anything that helps him out of the booth faster is fine by me. This particular comment wasn't terrible, but it's not like we should pat Hawk on the back for his professional observation here.

Exactly. You seem to get the point Sean was trying to make there.