
She's really turned into an old lady. She's doing her best "Betty White Face" in this picture. For whatever reason, her change from a MILF to a grandmother has become very obvious to me lately.

Thanks. As for being an asshole, that's why I used the word "hardcore treatment approach" and "Narcotics Anonymous". Spending a month locked in a shared in-patient program with meth heads, crack heads, coke addicts, alcoholics and pill poppers is a powerful thing - especially when you're in Toledo or Milwaukee or

PS Dawkins' book "The God Delusion" is great, and it's also available for download as an audiobook.

ME TOO!!! I'm glad you said that.

@erika - I suppose hitting rock bottom "helps", but only because you're in such a fucked up place that there's no other way out. I wouldn't recommend it or call it a "need" though. Yes you are probably right about her enablers. It's a real shame her parents are such d-bags, as they are usually steadfast lifelines.

It's an ancient species of shark that's part of an exceedingly rare breed of animal that has a profound effect on the aquatic environment. And it died needlessly. In a cage.

Sounds like an awesome tradition with something for everyone! Very cool that you don't center the holiday around drinking, but rather a tradition that CAN include drinking for those who want to. Nice.

There's a theory in the addiction community that until you kick the habit, your maturity level is always stuck at the age you were when you became addicted. Like, if you start abusing alcohol at 21, you're ALWAYS acting like you're 21 — until you stop using and get straight. Lindsay has behaved like a spoiled 14

I have been to that arena several times and you are correct. In fact, they play in a "split gym" - if you look over the back side of the stands at Welsh-Ryan, you can see a volleyball net and wrestling mats. Actually not a terrible place to watch a game though. Close to the action, plenty of seats available, and

Rashida Jones, Wanda Sykes, Steve Carell, Mindy Kaling and Alec Baldwin - I know. I have no clue who the rest of these people are, have never even heard of them. Sigh. /olds

Ha! I totally remember that episode, or at least that part. Always zooming in on some hot chick in sunglasses and she's naked, but you can't see any nips, nothing good, because she's sitting at a goddam computer. She's all "Taking CyberSex to New Extremes" or whatever, but you could tell that the whole setup kinda

I don't think the OP was lambasting those crying over a loved one's death. He/she was coarsely saying that crying at work, about work-related things, isn't okay...

I'm a dude who has lived in my own place for most of my 30's (yeah I'm a winner). I keep things very tidy. When my ex-gf moved in though - there were hair dryers, brushes, combs, hairpins and more all over the damn bathroom sink. Not to mention the HAIR everywhere! All messy! So what's up with that Jezebel? Do I

I'm a dude and my last name is either the 2nd or 3rd most common surname in America, depending on which census form you read. I think if my last name was something rare and unique, I'd feel more pressure to "pass it on" to my hypothetical wife, ya know, to "keep it alive". Then again if my last name were

If your fiance's last name was "Kennedy", you'd take it in a heartbeat. Be honest.

Holy sweet mother of God, I never knew about this and wish it would have stayed that way. This is the worst thing.

You don't want a trash can liner in your vagina? How do you think us guys feel when we have to saran-wrap our junk? Gotta do it at just the right time, too, or it won't work. Ain't no picnic.

Agreed - the Concrete Monster has also reared its ugly head in many other countries over the years, often times in the forms of statues and monuments in Africa and Central America. Many said structures were 'gifts' from the Soviets, and also came with a hefty financial donation in return for letting the Russians use

Pretty sure that's not true.

Right - it's kind of patronizing, isn't it? Ooohing and aaaahing over small feats like this just goes to show you how bad women's basketball really is. I'm not saying they should quit playing, it's just completely uninteresting to me. Give Griner credit, or don't - I'm busy doing other things.