
Yeah I was just pointing out more broadly that lists are an option. I feel like if it gets to the point where you have family lists, and friend lists, and acquaintance lists and work buddy lists it gets to be too much. But I have family members who are judgy, and ex-coworkers who i'm not close with and it's just

She doesn't talk about it, but you can add people but make them acquaintances not friends. Apart from my profile pic I don't make anything public, and I'm not searchable really. But there are people who want to be my FB friend who I don't really want to know me that well, so I throw them in acquaintance list. Every so

I don't use the email address associated with my FB account with anything else. Use a separate web browser to access it from the one I do all of the rest of my browsing, don't have it on my phone, and don't have any personal information on it. For a long time FB didn't even know my gender (it referred to me as an it)

At my org there's also a race and class issue, where I think a lot of the people who work there think helping poor poc is a nice idea, but its interwoven with their own secret supremacy. Like they don't think "but for the grace of god go I" they think they're legit better than the populations we're supposed to be

Forgiving someone who attacked you is as much about your own healing as it is about other person. If forgiving Wahlberg gives him peace who am I to judge? There are plenty of people who have dicked me over in a less violent fashion that I've had to forgive or it would haunt me. That said what Mr. Trinh feels doesn't

Plenty of non-famous felons go through legit remorse as evidenced by their body of work and never get pardoned. Even fewer POC have that privilege. Fuck wahlberg. He has a great career and plenty of money, and never served real jail time. This ish should stand.

Yes and I mostly have worked for people ostensibly focused on "saving the world." Should have gone into banking...

But again his social media presence is something he likely employs others, at least in part, to do. So you're asking him to eat the cost of employing other people.It's like you have zero acknowledgment that we live within a capitalistic society in which employers will happily employ you below the cost of a living

I've worked mostly in nonprofits and mostly in the environmental sector, and this doesn't surprise me at all. The only thing that surprises me is that these people were stupid enough to commit this shit to email. I have an "invisible" quality to me, and people have said all kinds of horrific things in front of me

The time spent doing pressers isn't minuscule and that's time spent not either working on his other stuff (I mean he's a comedian by trade really) or spending time with his family. Another point is that when you do a presser it's not just you - you have handlers etc who you have to employ and they don't always come

I've ridden in lots of cabs, and while I've had some weird experiences I can't say I've ever been harassed (Mafia conspiracies in Vegas really stands out.) A lot of the racial tenor of a lot of the posts on here make me uncomfortable too. And yes, while someone asking you to suck on his penis is obviously harassment,

Uhm all cab's have a taxi #. Just write it down.

Mostly starring you for mentioning that driving a taxi is a dangerous job.

I'm going to be the first to say not all cab drivers. Generally speaking, you're a bigger risk to the cab driver than the cab driver is to you - twenty to twenty-five cab drivers are murdered each year on the job. In NYC Livery car drivers have it the worst - two were murdered this august: http://www.nytimes.com/201

It kills me that blacks are stereotyped as lazy when they fucking built this country via slave labor so white people didn't have to work so hard. See also: Portugal, and most of the carribean. Edited: I'm black but not African American so when I say "they" i mean "not me or my ancestors" since I'm first generation

You can sue or you can file an EEOC complaint or both. I filed a complaint once, and only once, mostly to prove a point that the behavior wasn't acceptable, after i quit for another job and discovered what a sham filing an EEOC complaint is. I should have sued.

Honestly, sign me up.

I know of at least one girl who was a heavy partier, a mediocre student but pretty, went to a mediocre college, but kept her looks and now makes bank in medical sales.

It was in response to littleolive's comment. I can't say what it was I can merely say that it exists.