
No. When you make cheese the curds are what you get after you put in the rennet. The rennet makes the cheese curd similar to what happens if you've ever put lemon in milk (curdling) only this is on purpose. Cheddar comes later when you smash all the cheese curds together and age it. Think of it as a super mild

The Rock and Samuel L Jackson both have a similar thing going on where they seem nice but not calculatingly so, they're silly, and they know that they're effing lucky to have the jobs that they have and they actually seem like they enjoy it. I saw an interview with Samuel L. Jackson a long time ago where he said

I'm really sorry that happened to you.

The fact that you focused on the fact that I complained that my hair was petted over the fact that men grabbed my ass says loads about you

My asian friend who lives in Montreal gets "I love you long time" hurled at her at least once a week.

I was in a vehicular crash involving mass transit. I was on a bus with about a dozen other people when it slammed into another car on the highway. There were several minor injuries. One woman on the bus had two children under the age of ten, including one who was bleeding, and a kid who couldn't have been older than

Men are stronger than women, period. Yes there are exceptions but they're rare. The target focus training guy is right, you'll almost never be able to beat up a guy with brute force. It is all in the brain. In a tv breakdown I saw of her rescue they say Carlesha says she deliberately left her cell phone so people

For me personally, catcalling can be tuned out. I dislike it and it needs to be stopped, but I would far rather be catcalled than for example followed, because if I'm being followed I can't go home because I don't want you to know where I live. Similarly, you reaching over and grabbing my ass (as has happened) or

I didn't actually say what you're implying.

I just have bad memories of barely fitting unsupportive VS bras but I have huge dense breasts that require a ton of support so I was always borderline on their size anyway.

I actually wrote something upthread about how I (a black woman) get hollered at more by men of color but white men physically occupy my space more. I actually have stopped wearing my natural hair out because I grew weary of people touching it. I don't wear it in braids either (simple corn rows) because a man reached

I think it's helpful to recognize that when we say white people do x, or black people do x, we're generally talking within a very specific USA framework and not the plurality of people who share a skin tone around the globe. So what listenlive and that slate article are arguing is that within American culture white

Why don't you just buy Freya or Panache? Their bras are much better quality, prettier, and last longer. You can usually get them on sale at barenecessities or figleaves.

What is West Virginia?

Ha I was going to say this post doesn't really get alaska. Everyone smokes pot, even villages that are violently dry don't give a shit if you smoke pot. Alaska is beautiful but so are parts of florida and you can't beat the Florida sun in winter.

The only thing new about this is social media. I went to college pre-FB in the US and a landlord in my town got caught doing this exact thing, only he was renting out whole apartments and the camera was only in the bathroom.

In viewing this video all I keep thinking is i'm allergic to bananas. Eating one will cause my mouth to itch, my throat to swell, and if I ignore all common sense and actually keep going, my skin to break out in large disgusting rashes. If bananas are such a perfect God approved fruit why are they trying to kill me?

I know four couples who have waited to have sex until they're late twenties/early thirties. Of them only one was not religious from birth - the three who were all came from different (not all christian) traditions. Incidentally it was the non-religious couple for whom I think it was traumatic, because like you said I

I used to work with children , very young children, and we were taught to deflect hugs (since young kids don't always know that you're not allowed to touch them) into side hugs not because we were leaving space for Jesus but to avoid accusations of pedophilia or inappropriate touching of a minor. It's kind of creepy

When I quit my job in six to nine months I'm streaking my hair with either blue or purple and silver. No way could I get away with it in my current job that prides itself on super "professional" i.e. corporate. I figure it's my last chance before I actually go gray.