Prince of Darkness

I still get shivers when James Mason proclaims in a sinister fashion, “You’ll enjoy Mister Barlow and he’ll enjoy you!!”

No mention of “Wolf in the Fold”? C’mon people, Jack the Ripper in outer space, doesn’t get much better than that!!

And for the more mature (and by mature I mean OLDER) peeps out there, I shall say only this.... “Are we not men, we are DEVO!

(Big Trouble in Little China and Kung Fu), where the action was always driven by heroic white men.

Wouldn’t say its the worst show I’ve seen in years but the one thing I cannot get out of my head after 5 episodes is why are virtually all of the characters so unlikeable. There is a great cast of actors who are acting the bejeezus out of the script but there is nothing in it to make them redeemable or human in any

I wish all the colonials of this world would stop their incessant whinging about us English fellows being snarky. It is really rather unbecoming.