11civicsi (v2)

“Unilaterally seizing someone else’s property” is a somewhat unfortunate way to put it since it also perfectly describes what the British did in the region for a considerably long time. It’s an argument that’s often invoked by people defending the actions of the fascist dictatorship that ruled my country for almost 50

If the goal is to differentiate from Subaru, that seems counter-productive.

dealerships are the reason automakers have no real feel of what the customer wants.  

That’s how they made it cheap. And its a sports car. As far as i’m concerned the formula for the perfect sports car is “Make it drive more ore less old school, but with modern performance and reliability.

It’s a two-door sports car, what new technology do you absolutely have to have that this car doesn’t?

Everyone on this site: “I want a fast, stylish-but-not-overstyled, 300-400hp car with RWD, a manual transmission, and relatively analog underpinnings. I also want it for cheap.”

It’s gorgeous. Now that we’re seeing colors beyond yellow, I want to know where I can start lobbying to ask for my favorite color options, orange and brown.

Kumail booked a Marvel movie and spent the pandemic chillin’ with his wife. Don't lump him in with Sex Offender Alley because he works out. Who cares if he used PEDs? He didn't hurt anyone.

So even as Jalopnik inveighs against buying murderous devices like pickup trucks and BMWs and publish articles about harassment of women and minorities in motorsport, they’ve got you shilling for a Saudi racetrack built in part by slave labor owned by the government that vivisected a journalist for, among other

I’m hoping one day we will test drive cars like we are in The Matrix.

I love F1, for the past 50 years. But, I still have a conscience.

So how has F1, MotoGP and FIFA sanctioning events here moved the needle on civil rights? Remember, both parties said that their events should be seen to shine a light for change and not an endorsement of the status quo.  Where are we at on that?

Hey, F1 adds ANOTHER country with human rights abuses to their list of tracks. Surprise surprise! Wasn’t Liberty saying they wouldn’t be going to countries with human rights issues when they took over?

read the article

But not many people hit the hilarious trifecta of misusing Autopilot, driving on a suspended license and crashing into a cop. It could have only been more stupid if they crashed into a jail. lol

Reading comprehension for the loss, eh?

RV Driver: “Wow, this thing is really struggling.”

Now playing

To honor her memory, one of her most epic laps.

Citations Needed just did a great podcast episode solely devoted to pulling apart the political dog whistle that is the word “taxpayer.” I never really paid attention to its use before, but this minor youtube celebrity just embodies everything they were talking about.