11civicsi (v2)

Did you read the article or just skip it to post that?

đŸ€źđŸ€ą I’ll only be surprised if this actually impacts his career in any meaningful way. 

I would bet $100 that Madison Cawthorn used the fact that he was in a wheelchair to gain girls sympathy so that he could prey on them more easily. Yeah, I said it.

The problem is that the voters of Cawthorn’s district probably don’t care about these allegations. They seem like the type who would say that the woman was “asking for it” and they would elect a steaming pile of dog poop as long as said poop had an (R) next to it on the ballot.

I know for a long time their big draw was being one of those places where you pay to go hunting 

As a former Saturn Vue owner, yes I knew about the J series V6 in them.

and the 4cyl versions could be had with a manual transmission too.

It’s such a one-dimensional, narrowminded, troglodytic notion of car enthusiasm too. Mashing the ‘Go pedal’ and going fast isn’t the only way to appreciate cars.

 One is all it takes. 

“Hey, snow is gone, 80s again, i still got bottled water in my car! Let’s act like fuckwits on the Interstates! COVID? Power Issues? Moar Powerrrrrrrr!!!!!”

To be fair, wasn't Texas one of the states that pretended it didn't exist?

Oh good lord a thousand times Yes. I lived in Berlin for 6 years in the ‘80s and ate at least 3 or 4 a week. The best Döner in the world is found in Kreuzberg!

I didn’t think a 4,000-word essay on obscure vans would make me nostalgic for Germany, and then you just HAD to sneak döner kebab in there. Now I’m sitting here lusting for food that’s an ocean and a pandemic away. 

I would definitely want a $25,000 EV.

A 40 year old teacher did this ya’ll.

I dunno what the issue is here, you could simply drive underneath a moose with this car.

I just wonder why we hear so much of that number but somehow even the so-called “liberal media” barely seems to mention the 81,283,098 people who voted for Joe Biden.

The house refused to take any action against the member (Greene) who loudly supported Qanon and also called for democratic officials to be killed as traitors.

One side literally just stormed the US capitol, erected gallows, and threatened to hang politicians. So no, I have zero desire for unity with anyone who supported that, and the fact that we still have politicians who defend it is disgusting.

Daimler built the first Mercedes in 1901, and it proved to be such a valuable brand asset that the Daimler name was dropped from their cars completely only two years later. Everyone on earth knows what a Mercedes is; after 119 years only hardcore followers of the industry have any idea that it’s actually Daimler that