Bless you, Shep and the Commerce Team, for bringing us these deals. Praise from on high, glory be to the capitalist system!
Bless you, Shep and the Commerce Team, for bringing us these deals. Praise from on high, glory be to the capitalist…
Bless you, Shep and the Commerce Team, for bringing us these deals. Praise from on high, glory be to the capitalist system!
Bless you, Shep and the Commerce Team, for bringing us these deals. Praise from on high, glory be to the capitalist…
Do these look the same to you
Compartmentalizing is necessary to enjoy any aspect of the NFL.
Crown Vics were ruined by assholes that get their jollies off by playing pretend cop.
Let’s all just be totally honest here: Volkswagen is boned. I mean, they’re not going-away-boned, just…
“Ah, they’re just looking for a gotcha moment, so let me LITERALLY blame black students for structural racism. That’ll give them what they want and keep the heat off”
Not much better than Flea Market Montgomery (and Big Bill Hell’s if we’re talking about cars) though.
So what you are saying is, a bunch of young, attractive women are going to be partying in Cincinnati tonight?
I’m not saying they’re not guilty (it seems pretty clear in this case that they are), but a settlement is not necessarily an admission of guilt - it can also be a balancing between the costs of defending a litigation all the way through vs. the cost of settlement. You may think “Oh, well if they’re not guilty and they…
It’s not a joke. Our Twitter replies are full of gun nuts demanding to know when Obama will force background checks on cars.
As an Oklahoman, I can assure you all that my fellow residents are working tirelessly at this very moment to tie this into a defense of gun owners’ rights.
Egging on the guy to shoot the other guy in the head.
He literally had a loaded gun fired point blank at his head and the primer failed. Like 1 in a million chance.
This is directly from Prosser and Keeton on Torts (Fun Edition).
Enjoy your practice squad cars and your practice squad beds and your practice squad apartments. After I’m done doing throws here I’m going to step inside the mouth of a whale and the whale will take me to my luxury condo out near the edge of the continental shelf where mermaids will be my bed. Do you get it? I am…