Simple solution: don't stop driving it.
Simple solution: don't stop driving it.
Yes, you can go and just ask. You'll have better luck if it's a slow day (not Saturday afternoon!). But they might not give it to you if they know you're not ready to buy now.
You can get a new Corvette for 200 / month... with a large enough down payment.
Yeah, but just imagine how much more expensive it would be if they designed a part that wasn't defective.
Do you have un-insured (or under-insured?) coverage on your policy? If so you could talk to your insurance company... this may fall be covered by that protection.
I don't know, the picture shows up in color to me ;)
Would you have any suggestions for Isonox?…
As the father of a 6 week old, I feel your pain sleep deprivation. But eventually they start to stretch out their schedule a bit.... mine had a 5 hour stretch of sleep last night. Unfortunately that's still rare.
Depends on the inverter and the microwave.…
Did this several times in college because we only wanted to take one car for just a short trip across campus.
Take it to the track!
It's not just you.
Correct. Android only.
So what helps you through it? I'm asking for this commenter:…
What helped you through it? Asking for this commenter:…
But you're not alone. You're on this page with us! There's a huge conversation up at the top with people sharing their stories about battling depression. I'd encourage you to reach out to them and ask for help.
Maybe in your experience...
It's likely that they have test vehicles on the road, driven by employees. Especially if it's coming out soon.
It showed up for me... that's an awesome onesie.