This could get you started with option 1:
This could get you started with option 1:
Hopefully parked right next to an NSX
Video game drivers for a video game car... makes sense to me.
Daaaaa Bears
Does it look as good in person as it does in the pictures?
The same reason regenerative braking systems don't run all the time... it makes the car less efficient when accelerating or maintaining a constant speed.
Needs a dashed line that leads here
Spend hundreds of dollars on a fleet of beaters and find a dirt road?
It wouldn't take too much restyling... the Karma already has the Lincoln mustache look to start with.
Just based on the front...
"It's right here!"
If a citizen did this, it would be attempted murder. But the officers will get a week or two of paid administrative leave, and the department will move on.
To be fair, 60 seconds is a long time to pay atten
Gif #2: How Hyundai Uses Video Game Gesture Technology to Fight Distracted Driving Let You Play Video Games in Your Car
I just got my first smartphone back in November... Android ICS also. Android lets you customize everything. It's great.
Dear ThunderSI,
I was wearing clean pants...
+1 for Apex Launcher... try the free version first to see if you like it before buying the pro.