100% Utah!

defending one pile of worthless fuck by comparing it to another pile of worthless fuck is no defense at all. simply a deflection. any man that hits a woman is a piece of shit, regardless of race. it's not complicated.

Werner Herzog is on Rick & Morty. He's wayyy too famous for this kind of piddly shit now.

Fear The Walking Dead?

you're at the top of Xanderpuss's kill list

you can always count on Xander to call it like it is.

if Sheri Moon Zombie is showing butt, sign me up.

The Magnificent Replicants

the same thing the bananas were doing

so when he died?

I'm glad we've come so far in 50 years…

is that what the kids are calling a rusty trombone these days? a Happy Madison?

Sheer Mag covers Carly Rae Jepsen in the style of Richard Hell & The Voidoids.

can we just get a feature length film of Michael Shannon reading angry sorority girl emails already?

Crackle's dad is his cellmate

but FX has the mooooovvviiiiieeeesssss

this, ladies and gentlemen, is what a true statement looks like

I'll see your Bojack and raise you a Rick & Morty

I guess he isn't aware that Tyrant is still on FX.

"Terrance Howard is a wife-beating piece of shit but hey, it's okay because so are a couple famous white actors."

I have never laughed so hard at a show trying to be serious than I did at the scene of him on The O.C. getting drunk on the side of the road in the Hollywood Hills while blaring Bob Seger.