suki priced cooper's waterhouse

His choices? Cold blooded murder is now seen as a mere ‘choice’? Would you care if Charles Manson killed himself? This guy is the worst possible poster boy for prison reform. Do we even know why he was in solitary confinement? Maybe he tried to kill another inmate or a warden. This was not a desperate petty thief or

If there is indeed a vast right wing conspiracy against the Clintons, where was this conspiracy in the last eight years, when not a white couple from Arkansas, but a black couple from Illinois was residing in the WH? Why would the right view a black president and his very outspoken wife in higher regards than the

Which man would want to engage in a conversation with someone who holds such sexist generalizing views over men?

Why should the world feel sorry for a guy who murderd someone and robbed him, for committing suicide? He served a life sentence and realized, he didn’t want to get old in prison. If this guy would do the same, every commenter on jezebel would rejoice. I see no difference here, except that the stabbing victim is dead.

He wasn’t in the room, he was in the hallway, where the robbers took him hostage and forced him to lead them to Kardashian’s room where he was then bound and gagged just like Kim K.

You mean, like portraying Brad Pitt as a reckless, violent and child endangering monster, even though there wasn’t one beep about that behavior for the last ten years? Ridiculous, these tabloids and websites!

That would be a crime, if it turns out to be true. The sexting is not.

I the rumors are true, Angelina Jolie told Brad Pitt about the divorce one day before news broke out, It’s called blindsiding your (soon to be) ex. How’s that for classy?

What is ‘corruption of a minor’ even supposed to mean? No wonder the prison industry is booming in your country.

That was incredibly lazy on your part, on more than one level.

If that person had reason to believe that a) the sender had the intent to follow through and b) the means and opportunity to do so, then yes, this would change things. Was that the case with Weiner? Did he ever tried to meet with the girl or threatened to find her?

He’s not a person of interest. Being in/near the room is part of his job description. He’s a concierge

Two co-workers, talking about a third co-worker: “Man, sometimes I’d like to kill this guy.”

Madonna would suggest someone who lives a chaste life and Lady Gaga seems to refer to a mentally challenged person. I guess we shouldn’t judge people by their names.

Go see an eye specialist. There’s a remedy for your condition.

That’s the point - he did not try to solicit sex from a minor. None of these texts give the impression that he tried to do more than texting her. Creepy and irresponsible yes, but not a criminal offense.

It’s not clear what Weiner, a former congressman for the fucking state of New York, would be charged with

“I’m stunned.”

It’s people like Narain, not Leonardo DiCaprio, or even the Pope, that makes this a documentary worth watching.