South East, just to mess with that other couple.
South East, just to mess with that other couple.
Mkay, I will only abide by the law if I feel like it. Got it! Something tells me, that is exactly the kind of logic the other side uses as well. Kinda hard to keep up the narrative of which side is allowed to use a baseball bat to the other guy’s head, but as long as it *feels* right, it can’t be wrong, amirite?
No, it didn’t. It exposed her weakness to not be able to fight standing up and going toe to toe with a striker, because she can’t kick, is a below average puncher and has absolutely no defensive moves or counterpunching abilities. She didn’t need those before the Holm fight though, b/c she mostly fought tomato cans,…
She, together with a lot of her fangirls and some fanboys claimed, that she might even be good enough to kick the asses of some of her contemporary male MMA fellow fighters and definitely could beat Floyd Mayweather. That was beore she got outpunched and outkicked by Holly Holm and now Amanda Nunes. That’s like…
I live in Western Europe. We have scores of ISIS sympathizers who travel to Iraq and Syria to fight for ISIS and some of them even return. They live among us and unless it is proven that they’ve committed crimes in the middle east they are free and protected from persecution. Do I feel like I should punch them in the…
You honestly believe that this one promo pic is testament of an agenda to minimize the ethnic actresses in the movie AND you can barely contain your disgust at the fact, that an all female centric movie is directed by a man (gasp). Should there be a law, that no penis should be allowed on the set of a female centric…
Scorching hot take, judging from one pic. *golf clap*
You know, that unless you actually commit crimes like starting a war or a genocide, comparing Hitler and the Nazis with the Trump administration is rather moot, unless you claim purported thought crimes being actual crimes.
Oh dear!
Oh, FFS! Master of the stairs? You decide:
Ok, I’ll make it quick and simple for the intellectually challenged - when you can’t compete against men, b/c you’re not good enough (like FloJo or Serena), you can’t claim being called ‘the greatest athlete’, b/c that would include men, you can however be called ‘the most successful’ in your line of competition.…
In a golf tournament, you have to face the whole field, including potentially vastly different weather conditions, as the weather can change within a 12 hour span. In tennis, you always face the same conditions as your opponent on the other side of the net and you only have to brace for 7 players during a GS, not 127.…
Federer and Williams are both tennis players. In sports, there is a very simple way to determine who’s best for contemporary athletes at the same sports - they compete against each other. Florence Griffith-Joyner was the fastest woman on earth, she still holds the 100m world record, Usain Bolt is the fastest human on…
I was answering a comment claiming that Federer Nadal was overshawdowed by Williams vs Williams. Only in the US, dude. Williams vs Williams was the usual one side stinker, full of unforced errors with the usual result, Federer vs Nadal was yet another classic. Federer = GOAT, Serena Williams = best female tennis…
Any actual crimes committed yet by this dude and the people he is associated with, or are you going all pre-crime like Tom Cruise in Minority Report? Wanna know what ISIS is up to, just use google.
Yeah, talentwise, those bums Nadal and Federer just can’t cut it *eyeroll*.
Yet so true.
You must be blessed to believe, that the USA represents planet earth. You represent about 5% of the world’s population. Outside of Trump country, Federer vs Nadal is a much bigger event than Williams vs Williams. Not even close.
What shit are you referring to? ‘Cougar’ sounds a lot less negative and judgemental than ‘sugar daddy’ to me.