Oh no you didn't!

If hate speech was illegal, you and a lot of other supporters of vigilantism would be under investigation by now, you stupid piece of turd. Advocating for violence and supporting an assaulter IS hate speech! The fact, that you compare the weak so called ‘Weimarer Republik’ in Germany in the 1930s to the USA and its

You’re all for punching citizens who have the same rights as you do. If you punch them and expect to get away with it for disagreeing with them, why should you be protected by the law against their aggression? You’d be the first one to look for your ‘safe space’ if someone would look at you funny, yet you act like

So you reserve the right to decide who is punchable and who is not? What if someone with a different political view decides your mug resembles a punching bag? What would be your reasoning in court? *Your honor, I need to be protected. Can’t you see I’m one of the good ones. The other guys are the bad ones and need to

You do realize, that this was a *personal* note to the waitress. These guys did not go public, to ‘proselitize’, the waitress did. So next time someone decides to give a big tip, they should think better and tip less than they intended to? Got it.

You’re a lawyer, right? You approve of physical assault on someone you disagree with? Did this Nazi guy break a law? If so, report him to the authorities and don’t tell me this is nazi Germany 1933 and they will turn you down! If not, yell at him and call him every name in the book but do not lay a finger on him, or

“young women are deeply human”. As opposed to what? Young men, older men and older women who are not so ‘deeply human’?*eyeroll*

Drug abuse? Really? So you’re basically angry with most of the film and music business people! Oh, and most people in college. Got it!

Trust me, people around here would do that, thus making the deviant behaviour of an individual appear to be the norm.

Where’s the default remark about toxic mascu...oh, never mind!

Well, the guy doesn’t look like Ron Burgundy and his name Ron isn’t that unusual to begin with. Let’s just imagine, a bunch of white athletes named a black teammate after a goofy movie character. Social media (and Deadspin) would have a field day with it and not in a good way. Can you say ‘stereotyping’?

The NPD is a fringe right wing party that has lost most of its spporters in recent years, due to the rise of the real threat from the right - the AfD (Alernative für Deutschland). So there is really no need to ban them. The AfD is polling in the double digits right now (10 to 15 percent) and will most likely be

Now playing

This is what happens, when a smaller woman who knows BJJ, fights a bigger guy who doesn’t. Still unrealistic?


Actual pic of the writer after she managed to write this post:

They’ve singed the contracts before Anschutz bought Goldenvoice in 2001? That’s a nice way of saying *Don’t critcize those artists that I like. If it was Justin Bieber or Taylor Swift on the other hand...*