hahahaha oh god. white men are so fragile.
hahahaha oh god. white men are so fragile.
“Massive onslaught of derp”
And it comes from this notion that the US Government has been competent enough to keep this massive disinformation campaign going since the nation’s inception, but hasn’t been competent enough to close these magic loopholes.
Hell hath no fury like a man embarrassed.
YUP! It’s exactly why so many white people bitch about Black Lives Matter and some heteros hate gay people having equal rights.
Like racists are probably worried all us minorities are gonna treat them as badly as some of them and their ancestors have treated other minorities in the past.
In reality, we just want a burger and maybe tickets to a movie.
“Oh shit, the _____ are going to treat us as badly as we’ve treated them all these years? EVERYBODY PANIC!
I have never, ever been so glad to live in a state that is solidly liberal and close to the Canadian border.
Except he’s not new money. He just acts like it.
This is why I hate people and prefer to hide inside my house with my dogs and my internet.
I read that mods will be usable on XOne. So it’s out there, somewhere.
Seriously, I toss out the website adoptuskids.org whenever someone climbs on their hobby horse about all the families that want to adopt but just can’t because those sluts keep aborting all the babies.
And its that exact same mentality that allowed the AIDS virus to proliferate the way it did in the early 80's.
Not to mention the fact that they don’t even CARE if women die performing these abortions on themselves. Remember the nutter in Colorado Springs? The twitter response by the so-called “pro-lifers”: “If a woman dies trying to procure an abortion than she deserved it.”
If this is indeed the ring worn by Saint Joan of Arc, it is a holy relic. It is simony to purchase or sell a saint’s relic and a serious sin in the Catholic Church. And yes, since Joan of Arc is a Catholic saint Catholic rules apply.
Fun historical fact: Cardinal Henry Beaufort was the grandson of King Edward III and was born a *gasp* bastard. His father, John of Gaunt eventually married his longtime paramour Katherine Swynford (sister-in-law to Chaucer) which was a huge scandal at the time. I love 700 year old gossip!
The sad thing is they could reduce abortion so much by improving education and access to birth control, but they don’t really want to prevent abortion, they want to prevent any and all sex for pleasure. Sex must have consequences!
It’s not about ending abortion, never has been. It’s about punishing the impure for the rest of their (and the unwanted fetus/child’s) life. If they wanted to end abortion, than they’d support universal mandatory sex ed and have condoms/bc available to anyone able to ovulate/ejaculate. Abortion would virtually…