
Years ago they used to issue revolvers, and the only saftey on a revolver is the operator.

We can predict. All we have to do is look back. Or, maybe the lens is a mirror.

Well said sir.

I know my uncle served on her in the early 70’s

I thought that the HMS Ark Royal was decomissioned over 10 years ago,

Wow. I can’t understand why hundreds of thousands of people would want to flee a pradise like that. Poor bastards.

Correct sir

She doesn’t think her butt is that big either !

It looks like it is made out of LEGOs though. Doubles as a sub? Hope not.

What is meant by “not known for reliability...”?

You missed one !

Did you guys see my phone?

That would be the dealer not the smuggler.

Looks like it is parked next to Hillsboro city hall. Oh yeah, the politicians.

Check out a “test drive” on the show Top Gear (brit version)

Thank you Ralph Nader

Looking at the video it appears to almost have missed the huge target hitting the last container in line. I wonder what those roast pidgeons tasted like.

Good point, less radar signature maybe.

My thoughts exactly. The Moniter?

Is there no need for crew to be up front? No guard rails, deck apparently flush ,no scuppers.