
SNL, Jimmy Fallon, and NBC in general can all go fuck themselves for humanizing this stupid monster.

The first one was really good. It was downhill from there.

Ha! I thought she was funny when she was a castmember. Same with Molly Shannon.

With just one or two exceptions, they will regardless.

SNL did their bit to normalize President Dummy's candidacy by having him host and played a role in getting him elected.

No way, man! He's playing 48D chess right now!

"Nobody knew war with North Korea, Syria, Russia, Mexico, and Canada would be so difficult."
-Future quote from President Dummy

Tucker Carlson is every bit as ignorant and bombastic as Bill O'Reilly. They're going to love him.

Host calls women while masturbating. Host gets fired. You can't explain that.

"As a musician and someone who's always been somewhat of a music nerd…"

Wow. So Amy's doing an "OMG, you guys, I'm SO ugly and fat" bit? How fresh and new. We've never seen that from her before, and it's definitely not like she's based her whole career on this joke.

Dean Ween's take down of 4 Non Blond's "What's Going On?" pretty much redeems the whole series.

STERN: Something something sex something oral sex something something take off all your clothes and sit on the fückmachine

I wonder if Berklee College of Music is working hard to pretend she never went there, or if they want to tell everybody that she studied there.

Man… who do I dislike more? Trainor or this fuggin guy?

I hope that there will be screenings of this film in the fallout shelter.

I hated them before all of you! You hear me? ALL OF YOU!

It's my favorite show right now. It's on Hulu.

This is a joke.

Ron Swanson is a Ron Paul man.