
Ah. But they still don't have Hulk though.

Wolverine is Sony's and Hulk is Marvel's, right? Hard to see how that could happen.

"Later, TENNIS!"

Good point.

I was refering to Seinfeld. I thought that was obvious. I didn't call him a racist. I'm commenting on the absurdity of a man who lives in a bubble made of money talking about how PC everyone is getting. "Why are these kids calling stuff racist nowdays?! I just don't get it!"

Please show me on the doll where I accused Seinfeld of racism. Thanks.

Millionaire never experiences racism. Doesn't understand it.


Arya will be the skinner, not the skinnee.

"Are you saying work will set us free?"

Why couldn't Ramsay just have been nice and given Sansa hugs and ice cream on her wedding night?

People who are a quarter-Asian often do not look Asian at all. I don't see what the big deal is. If the movie is a pile of dogshit, that's one thing (and by all accounts, it is). Reflexively hating it because they cast a white woman as a character with Asian ancestry is absurd.

Who Would Josh Diddle?

In other news, Irony has resigned and is moving out to a secluded cabin in the woods of Alaska. It was last heard on its way out saying, "Well, that does it. I quit. You jokers are on your own."

I've never heard that music, but I dig the lyrics.

THANK YOU. They are terrible and not funny. I can't for the life I me understand how someone could watch one of their videos and think it was funny.

Was that a Stig Helmer reference?

You sound like a child. You made the obviously passive-aggressive statement. Own it.